View Full Version : Pictures and Info of your Best tank.

08-12-2013, 12:56 AM
I want to start a thread were people Post Pictures of their Favorite tank or tanks and info of what they have in it etc. So, I would like to have every bit of info you can provide.
Size of tank.
Lighting, including bulbs. Hung or not and how high.
Fish, number and type. Colors for various discus would be great.
This will be great for newbies.

08-12-2013, 07:19 AM
Our best tank at the moment is an Oceanic 135 gallon.

Filtration & Equipment:
Current filtration is an Eheim 2217 canister filter. Inside the 2217, we have a coarse sponge, eheim ceramic rings, eheim "coco puffs" mixed with seachem matrix, white filter floss for polishing & two 100g bags of purigen on top (to compensate for high nitrates in source water) with the following extras:
http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/aquarium-filters/ati-filter-max-3.html on the intake (right side)
http://www.kensfish.com/parts-fittings/eheim-spray-bar-installation-set-494.html replaced spray nozzle (left side)
The in-line UV filter is the coralife turbo twist 12x.
We have two 4" air stones along the back wall, near the middle, being run by a dual outlet air pump. The air pump & canister filter are on an uninterruptable power supply.
Two eheim jager 300w heaters are mounted on the glass along the back wall, one at each end horizontal. Each heater is on a separate circuit (one with lights, one with UV).

Lighting: (not hung, placed on lids)
48" Aqueon LED with 1 full spectrum & 2 colormax strips.
Two 36" T8 fluorescent strips with standard "aquarium & plant" bulbs

Substrate & Decorations:
Pool filter sand substrate
Driftwood at each end
A couple large ceramic "cichlid stones" for the BNP or yoyo loaches to hang out in, plus 3 of Barb's caves. :D
Lightly planted with various wendtii, anubias, swords & valisneria.

83 degrees
PH = 7.0 (7.4-7.6 if not aged)
Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 20-40 (source ranges from 20-80, dependent on time of the year)

Current Fish in 135:
11 discus ranging in size from 4.5"-6"+
(Strains: Piwow brown, albino golden, albino golden leopard snakeskin, blue leopard snakeskin, leopard snakeskin, 2 Chicago Blues snakeskin, violet reflection, blue heckel cross, brilliant, blue turquoise)
12 lemon tetras
15 cardinal tetras (quantity ranged from 9-34 due to discus attacks, not buying any more until we're moved)
24 baby/juvenile endlers livebearers (2 days to 2 weeks old to test how the discus react to them)
pair of German Blue Rams
2 albino longfin bristlenose plecs
2 longfin bristlenose plecs
3 yoyo loaches
10 assorted cories

That's a temporary setup until we get our house built (hope to be moved in before Christmas) & the fishroom set up. At that time we intend to install standard filtration for tap, add a well, plus have a RO unit. The leopard snakeskin & blue leopard snakeskin have paired off & will be going in a breeding tank soon, which will help with the bioload pushing the limits of the tank size. Due to nitrates in source water, we are currently doing a 50% water change per day. Any more & we increase the nitrates too much.

Here is an older picture from before the discus were rearranged among tanks. I need to take some updated ones soon.

08-25-2013, 10:08 PM
Very nice!