View Full Version : opinions on my tank layout

08-19-2013, 10:42 AM

this my tank atm, I dunno about the ship, it only in there because it came with the tank, should I ditch it? Also only experimenting on plants, please don't ask what there called lol I got no idea. Any suggestions for improvement? More ideas the better :) it a 5 foot 300L tank, quad lights, will be changing one bulb to a blue light soon. Also any ideas on really nice plants without co2 injection needed? Cheers :) I have 10 discus in quarentine, this tank has not fully cycled yet but nearly done.

08-19-2013, 10:43 AM
Ignore the air stone lol I will be putting a big one behind when I get longer one

08-19-2013, 10:58 AM
If you like the ship keep it, bristle nose and cories would like to hide in there. I would ditch the background and go with a not photograph blue color, what color is the reverse side? If you want to grow plants get some 6500ish K daylight bulbs. depending on the fixtures 4 bulbs may be too much light without CO2. Many of those plants you have require ferts and probably will need CO2 depending on your lighting level to avoid algae and to flourish. Once the stems start growing trim them and replant to get a good scape, take a look at some planted tanks to get an idea of where to plant the stems for best effect.

08-19-2013, 11:06 AM
All I know is the globes are already low wattage, I had some string Algae show but got some fish to take care of that, cant remember name of them, small long silver fish with black strip down length, will very a pic, have 4 of them and 6 small bristlenose and never had a problem with Algae since, all plants where tiny when I got them, there all thriving since, plants been in for a month with no co2. Never used fertilizer ether.

08-19-2013, 11:11 AM
All I know is the globes are already low wattage, I had some string Algae show but got some fish to take care of that, cant remember name of them, small long silver fish with black strip down length, will very a pic, have 4 of them and 6 small bristlenose and never had a problem with Algae since, all plants where tiny when I got them, there all thriving since, plants been in for a month with no co2. Never used fertilizer ether.

Yeah no so much problems now but when the plant mass gets high you will get defficiencies unless you keep things trimmed back. What kind of fixture is it? T8, t5, screw in?

sent from an undisclosed location using morse code

08-19-2013, 11:19 AM
O ok, T8, do I need co2? can I just stick to fertilizers cause I read a little and it sounds to complicated to fuss about

08-19-2013, 11:22 AM
O ok, T8, do I need co2? can I just stick to fertilizers cause I read a little and it sounds to complicated to fuss about

You might or might not. You have to give it some time. If things keep on growing and you don't get algae then you are fine. If you start to see evidence of defficiencies and have to fertilize then you probably will. What substrate is that?

sent from an undisclosed location using morse code

08-19-2013, 11:24 AM

I think your tank looks good. if you like it, then that is what matters. I really like how you have the plant filling in the space between the broken ship. Which by the way, is the ship suppose to be a model of the sunken titanic? if so that's cool. Personally I like the look of naturally planted aquariums but I like yours also. the piece of wood in the front right corner looks weird and out of place in my opinion, maybe place it in the background instead of up front. If you are unhappy with the ship replace it with a piece of natural driftwood like manzanita wood or even a cook fake piece from your LFS. I like your gravel, I think you will find that less is better when it comes to substrate in a discus tank. About CO2. Look up how to do DIY co2 online, super easy if you want to help your plants grow. Or just dose with daily liquid CO2 like flourish excel of API's co2 booster.

In the end, if you are happy with your tank, that's what matters. I like it, its unique with that ship in there.

08-19-2013, 11:28 AM
I like the ship!

08-19-2013, 12:30 PM
All I know is the globes are already low wattage, I had some string Algae show but got some fish to take care of that, cant remember name of them, small long silver fish with black strip down length, will very a pic, have 4 of them and 6 small bristlenose and never had a problem with Algae since.

The long silver fish with a black strip is a Siamese Algae Eater, or SAE.

08-19-2013, 03:34 PM
I really do like the ship. Id recommend a low tech set up, get rid of the gravel and get some dirt in there - I used pond compost topped off with 2" of sand and go for low light plants like crypts, anubius and java fern. Its your tank so the rule of thumb is if you like it keep it.

Fish from Philly
08-19-2013, 04:09 PM
The SAE is bad news for discus as it will likely suck on side of fish and eat slime coat. I really like the ship and have seen it sell for over $100 in stores. Personally though, I think a natural tank with wood and plants is nicer but to each his/her own!

Careful with the quad light...could be too much and end up with algae issues

Sometimes the filter can provide enough aeration to not need a bubbler. If you like the look, different story but you probably dont require it so long as the you have the outflows aimed toward surface.

Low tech plants - anubia, most crypts, java fern/moss but hey, do some research on new plants you like and try it out. Worst that can happen is you have to take it out.

10 discus is a lot for new tank all at once! I would hold off on planting if the ones you purchased are less than 5"

08-19-2013, 06:30 PM
You might or might not. You have to give it some time. If things keep on growing and you don't get algae then you are fine. If you start to see evidence of defficiencies and have to fertilize then you probably will. What substrate is that?

sent from an undisclosed location using morse code

I'm going to read into fertilizers, and it a natural mix of Gravel I got at the LFS, mix of 1,2 and 3 mil Gravel, I liked the natural look.

08-19-2013, 06:33 PM

I think your tank looks good. if you like it, then that is what matters. I really like how you have the plant filling in the space between the broken ship. Which by the way, is the ship suppose to be a model of the sunken titanic? if so that's cool. Personally I like the look of naturally planted aquariums but I like yours also. the piece of wood in the front right corner looks weird and out of place in my opinion, maybe place it in the background instead of up front. If you are unhappy with the ship replace it with a piece of natural driftwood like manzanita wood or even a cook fake piece from your LFS. I like your gravel, I think you will find that less is better when it comes to substrate in a discus tank. About CO2. Look up how to do DIY co2 online, super easy if you want to help your plants grow. Or just dose with daily liquid CO2 like flourish excel of API's co2 booster.

In the end, if you are happy with your tank, that's what matters. I like it, its unique with that ship in there.

it is just a sunken battleship. My main plan was to Ditch the ship, and go natural look which I do think looks better

08-19-2013, 06:35 PM
The long silver fish with a black strip is a Siamese Algae Eater, or SAE.

Sorry I don't think it is a SAE, it got a long name I keep forgetting unless SAE is is second name I will get a pic cause little worried about not a good mix with discus

08-19-2013, 06:36 PM
I really do like the ship. Id recommend a low tech set up, get rid of the gravel and get some dirt in there - I used pond compost topped off with 2" of sand and go for low light plants like crypts, anubius and java fern. Its your tank so the rule of thumb is if you like it keep it.

Thanks will do some research on those plants

08-19-2013, 06:41 PM
The SAE is bad news for discus as it will likely suck on side of fish and eat slime coat. I really like the ship and have seen it sell for over $100 in stores. Personally though, I think a natural tank with wood and plants is nicer but to each his/her own!

Careful with the quad light...could be too much and end up with algae issues

Sometimes the filter can provide enough aeration to not need a bubbler. If you like the look, different story but you probably dont require it so long as the you have the outflows aimed toward surface.

Low tech plants - anubia, most crypts, java fern/moss but hey, do some research on new plants you like and try it out. Worst that can happen is you have to take it out.

10 discus is a lot for new tank all at once! I would hold off on planting if the ones you purchased are less than 5"

Will a blue Marine light increase the light or decrease as all I want it for is to look cool for discus, and 6 of them are at 4 inch, one 5.5 and 3 inch. Only adding 2 at a time and try grow out the small ones in quarentine, I heard high temps decrease the amount of air in the water or something? I heard that and just dumped it in there

08-19-2013, 08:32 PM
If you like the ship keep it, bristle nose and cories would like to hide in there. I would ditch the background and go with a not photograph blue color, what color is the reverse side? If you want to grow plants get some 6500ish K daylight bulbs. depending on the fixtures 4 bulbs may be too much light without CO2. Many of those plants you have require ferts and probably will need CO2 depending on your lighting level to avoid algae and to flourish. Once the stems start growing trim them and replant to get a good scape, take a look at some planted tanks to get an idea of where to plant the stems for best effect.

Also other side is a did 5 theme with rocks, will look for a blue back drop :)