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View Full Version : 40 Gallon breeder show tank

08-24-2013, 12:36 AM
Hello my name is Kevin and this is my first post, i am new to discus but not new to keeping fish. in the past i have had twenty gallon planted angel fish tanks that were successful.
Anyway i just set up my 40 gallon breeder tonight and fixed the pH level to 7.0 exactly. im running aquaclear 50 gallon filter, 250 watt heater. and i am using sand substrate and rock decor. i want to put at least two discus in there, and about half to a dozen neon or cardinal tetras in there also. i was wondering if i can put the tetras in there a couple days before the discus? is the sand a problem for the discus? what else can i do to improve the health of the discus?
I plan on doing 30% water changes everyday or every other day, and feeding multiple times a day in smaller amounts. Also i got a solution recommended to me called Prime. which is a stress coat, nitrite and nitrate remover, ammonia and chlorine remover also.

08-24-2013, 12:58 AM
Don't worry about trying to buffer your pH every time. Just keep it at whatever your tap is after aging. You're gonna want a pair if you only want two in there. Try to quarantine the tetras in a separate tank of possible. If not, give them enough time before the discus to make sure they're problem free. You should be good to go. Good luck and welcome to simply!!

08-24-2013, 11:19 AM
Are you wanting a pair to spawn? If so, don't do the neons or cardinals. If you're getting juvies, you'll need to get at least 5 of them. Sand isn't a problem for discus, either. To keep your discus healthy, do w/c frequently, and feed them a lot!:)
Welcome to Simply!:wave:

Larry Bugg
08-24-2013, 11:46 AM
It is strongly recommended that discus be kept in groups of 5 to 6 or more. Less than this and there is a strong chance that you will have issues with aggression which can lead to injury and sickness. The exception to this rule is you can keep a mated pair in a tank together. The general rule of thumb is one adult discus per 10 gallons so your 40 breeder is really too small to keep a group of adult discus. The smallest recommended tank size is 55 gallons. As Gene pointed out, don't mess with your PH. Domestic discus will adapt well to any PH. The key is to just not have a big change in PH when you do water changes.

08-24-2013, 12:16 PM
Welcome to Simply Kevin!:wave: