View Full Version : I have eggs!

Fish from Philly
08-28-2013, 01:38 PM
Got my first discus from Hans few weeks back and last night I saw eggs for the second time! There are a lot more this time. I keep 5 discus in a 150 gallon with plants, about 15 rummys, 5 cardinals, 4 rams, spaghetti eel, 4 emperors, and a BN pleco. during the first spawn, only a few eggs turned white and I noticed on the second day, there were little dark specs. By the time I got home from work, the eggs were gone. Would the parents have eaten them? Other fish in community?

I don't have high hopes for having these hatch but if they do, that would be very cool! I would seperate them eventually and try to give them to store or breeder as I won't have time to care for them properly. 79948

Larry Bugg
08-28-2013, 01:40 PM
It is rare for a spawn to survive in a community tank. Someone in the tank will eat them.

White Worm
08-28-2013, 02:27 PM
Could have been eaten by the parents or any of the other the fish. If you are curious, put a divider in the tank and give the pair some of their own personal space and see what happens.

Fish from Philly
08-29-2013, 03:16 PM
OK thanks! They protect that whole side of the tank now and don't allow any other fish close by