View Full Version : Discus Behavior

09-02-2013, 03:12 PM
I am new to discus keeping and am very interested in knowing their behavior. As I search on the internet, there does not seem to be much about the way they act when they spawn, the way they bully each other, etc. I recently posted my fish images from Kenny's Discus, under the sponsor area, as they are beautiful! My first thing is, I have a CBT and a PE that have begun to spawn. My other biggest fish in the tank is a Forrest GT, this fish goes dark when the breeding pair first lay the eggs, and stays dark and hangs out just under them as they tend to the eggs, and does not move, at all, except to eat. This has happened two times now. Once the breeding pair eat the eggs, the Forrest GT goes back to its beautiful color and is active in tank once again, fighting nose to nose with the CBT, slapping each other, etc. Is the Forrest GT trying to wait for the fry and see if they attach, hence darkening his/her color, is he/she trying to get one of the breeding pair interested in he/she instead? This is STRANGE!
I have a PB in there with them, and this fish just goes about its business, I will be adding some others when they are bigger, they are in a grow out tank, so it will be very interesting to see what happens then with this strange acting Forrest GT.