View Full Version : Quarantine Multiple Discus

09-04-2013, 11:21 PM
Hi Folks, Im new here in the forum.
I've been looking at some forums online and didn't find any direct answer to the problem. So, today i decided to join the forum and ask the question myself and hopefully someone out there could help me out.

I have a 55 gallons tank.

I got 6 of 3" discus and one of them died after 6 weeks later. He was the smallest and always got bullied by others, so i always think that stress was the culprit.
Two days after he died, I came back to the same breeder and got another one for 6". A week went by without any problem. Everyone is eating, acting normal, but all the sudden the two starting to hide at the back and turning dark. Sooner after that, the other one has white stringy feces.
That's how i realized that they have internal parasite. At this moment, the new 6" and one of the small one are doing fine.

I moved them to the 20 gallons and has been treating them with metro for 10 days. I've seen alot of improvement, however, two of the small one is still hiding and turning dark, nor of them have white stringy feces anymore. The reason why they hide is because the big one being too aggressive during feeding time, or they might be still sick.

Now my questions is:
1. Can i move the one that i think it's healthy to the main tank.
2. Should I keep them in the quarantine tank together and treat them with Prazi for another week just to make sure.
3. What is the proper way to move the fish to the main tank from the quarantine tank without re-infesting the main tank.

Thank you

09-04-2013, 11:53 PM
Welcome to Simply Discus Forum,

First of all, please fill out the form, so we can know more details about your situation.

For the best success in keeping discus: good source, water change, and good nutrition.

When you get new discus, the first thing you have to do is quarantine them. Please read more in Beginning section.

Discus requires a lot of water change every week....

09-05-2013, 12:59 AM
Start with filling out the form. 6 x 3" in a 55 g is ok but they will need more space soon and plenty of water changes start with going through other threads too.