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View Full Version : Need help ! discus laid eggs. What should I do?

09-10-2013, 12:14 PM
Well I am definitely a noob in discus breeding but I got back from maui not too long ago and now there is eggs in my aquarium. i can take a photo. im not sure how long they have been there and im not sure which discus is the male or female. any advice for what i should do next.

Im going to start by removing the other dicus that I know arent the parents.

09-10-2013, 12:23 PM
yeah.. nothing..

don't start to panic and rush around trying to become a discus breeder..

jus wait, watch.. observe.. do some research to see how to set up..

they will lay eggs again.. don't worry.. next time.. you will be ready to go..

09-10-2013, 12:41 PM
yeah.. nothing..

don't start to panic and rush around trying to become a discus breeder..

jus wait, watch.. observe.. do some research to see how to set up..

they will lay eggs again.. don't worry.. next time.. you will be ready to go..

So should I remove the other discus or just leave it alone? or should i put a divider in? like a piece of plexiglass with holes in it?

09-10-2013, 12:47 PM
if you can move the pair into their own tank.. great..

if not.. divider.. BUT if you get eggs to free swimming they could cross divider and get eaten..

09-10-2013, 01:04 PM
if you can move the pair into their own tank.. great..

if not.. divider.. BUT if you get eggs to free swimming they could cross divider and get eaten..

http://i361.photobucket.com/albums/oo56/LIL_WHOOPER_/20130910_090342.jpg (http://s361.photobucket.com/user/LIL_WHOOPER_/media/20130910_090342.jpg.html)

kind of in a hard place to move the eggs cause it is on the filter intake. I was told they were way too small to lay eggs but apparently They did lol

Second Hand Pat
09-10-2013, 01:08 PM
Timmy, since they sound like young fish just let them be and let them practice. Once the eggs hatch and make it to wiggler stage then it will be time to move the pair to a breeding tank if this is what you want to do.

09-10-2013, 01:31 PM
Timmy, since they sound like young fish just let them be and let them practice. Once the eggs hatch and make it to wiggler stage then it will be time to move the pair to a breeding tank if this is what you want to do.

Thanks for the advice guys I will prob just let it be

09-11-2013, 10:19 PM
I know you asked what to do next, but let's start here. Do you plan on raising the fry??????????????

09-13-2013, 12:16 AM
see this, is just amazing advice, even though i freaked out and got SO excited, when my fish started to spawn, mainly because my water is just so far from what discus are supposed to need, but its clean, aged, warm, peated and planted....anyway it was a miracle to me. it meant they were happy and that was a GOOD day. after much reading and sweating, and ordering all the things to make a breeder tank, i just couldnt do it , i didnt want to take them out and mess with them if they were happy, and anyway by the third day of the first spawn, the eggs were all mysteriously gone, some had gone white but a few i thought had been fertilized. Anyway shrug, move on. second spawn, was bigger and they worked harder, more harmonious, no fighting though at any time and though they took turns the female seemed to do all the work at night ! bad daddy. but again day three, gone. again and again they got better at it but its a community tank with rummys SHARK tetras in it, there seems no stress on the Discus part to keep fish away just im sure over time when im not looking and at night, and the crappy water....the eggs go. but guess what? the parents are getting pretty good at it now and THIS spawn, im pretty darn sure will hatch its day three today, just still hate to mess since they are at most 11 months old and why rush them into early parenthood, i read that the bigger and happier they are the better the fry, again im new and this is just what i know so far. so great advice and enjoy the moment :) but let them practice !

Timmy, since they sound like young fish just let them be and let them practice. Once the eggs hatch and make it to wiggler stage then it will be time to move the pair to a breeding tank if this is what you want to do.