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View Full Version : Newbie looking for constructive comments on new purchase

09-11-2013, 12:23 PM

I am new to both the forum and to Discus. I picked these 4" Discus up from a friend who purchased them from a well known breeder in this area. I have no interest in breeding these at the moment, but can you look at them and let me know what you think as far as color, shape, eyes, fins, etc. Let me have it. I can take constructive critism or comments.
If I can make these work/live, I will get into more of a high dollar fish (these I purchased for 10.00 a piece). These were raised on RO water with 50% WC, but I am keeping them in the city tap water, which works well for my GBR's and seems to be working with them. (1 month now).

Thank you in advance


09-11-2013, 12:34 PM
Very nice looking young discus. Good shape. Did they tell you what the strain(s) were?

William Palumbo
09-11-2013, 12:38 PM
They are not too bad. They could be a bit rounder looking at the pics, and the eye is a bit large on some. But they still have a lot of growing to do. That strain is pretty hardy IME and also take awhile to fully color up, with females usually being more red than the males. Lots of feedings and wc's will do them well. Should turn out to be nice fish. All the best...Bill

09-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Thanks, I will keep up the WC, and maybe even add a WC or two. These came from a very well known breeder, but I will not mention his name as I was not there when my friend purchased them, and dont know the circumstances that these were sold to him.
Thanks again, and I will continue to come here for valuable info.
By the way, I have a tank of eartheaters (altifrons and red heads Tapajos) and Uarus that I have up and running for the last 4 months. Cant wait until they all grow out.


09-11-2013, 04:16 PM
Can I ask where you live?


09-11-2013, 06:16 PM
They look like very nice juvies to me, lots of color in those fins.

09-11-2013, 06:25 PM
They look like red covers or may be virgin reds. They are looking good. Good luck with them.

09-11-2013, 08:45 PM
Can I ask where you live?


Rick, I am also in GR, and yes, my friend purchased them from you. I love them, and hope I can do them justice with my prior experience in SA/CA cichlids. I have them in 100% tap water unlike the 50% that they came from, but so far, so good. You either have a very good eye for your creations, or my profile mentions Michigan.
I didn't want to mention names, as I was not there when they were purchased. I do not have plans in breeding just yet, so if I can keep them healthy, I will eventually switch to an RO tank.

Thanks Art

09-11-2013, 09:14 PM

Thought I recognized those. Your not doing too bad for a first time Discus owner, but there is some room for improvement on grow out technique. I did keep a few from that batch, would you mind if I posted pictures of them so you can compare your fish to them to see what slighty different techniques can do as for growth? You have had these I am guessing 3-4 months now? (Sorry cant remember).


09-11-2013, 09:54 PM
Actually, I just got them a month ago, but my friend Joe (who lives just down the street from you) bought them from you when they were very small. Not sure of time frame, sorry, I will ask him tomorrow.
I will do more WC's, and please, any advice and good techniques on these I would appreciate.


09-12-2013, 12:34 AM
Two of the siblings I am growing out from that batch:





btw these are an f2 generation of a ARSG X Virgin Red Cross...........

09-12-2013, 01:36 AM
WOW, now this is gold, how can I sleep with amazing teaching like this going on?! PLEASE post what you do rick, they are beautiful. Art Thankyou for your post and being open so we all can learn! Art can you find more exact details about how he raised them, just for learning sake? How many feeds, what food, what temp, least WC most WC, any illness? Any vacations or low maint for any reason. That sort of thing, I just want to do better by my fish too. Great post

09-12-2013, 08:15 AM
Wow, is that the same animal? I will check with him today and get more info. If anything, it does show you how fish turn out with different owners. (one experienced like Rick and one that is new to Discus like my friend) Not sure if its too late to get mine turned around, but I will at least give them a chance and see what happens. Again, not able to do the RO, but will try to do more WC with larger feedings? Anything else?


09-12-2013, 09:10 AM
Show off. :)

09-12-2013, 09:39 AM
Daily large (greater than 50%) water changes, good food, bare bottom tank. RO is not neccesary for good growth, only breeding.

09-12-2013, 11:28 AM
I am feeding them New Life Spectrum Discus Formula Sinking Pellets, and the blood worm or did he say beef heart flakes that Joe got from you? Can't remember as it was offered to me in a generic plain container. I think he said he got the flakes from you. Also, I feed them frozen (brine shrimp, blood worms)
As to the bare tank. I thought that was more for raising fry and breeding adults? Thats one thing that I will not be able to do, as this is one of my show tanks, where the appearance of the tank must also be attractive, not just the fish. Besides I have other fish in there with them that love the sand. (3 GBR's, two long fin BN plecos, two G. Tapajos juvies and 3 cory's) The Geos will be removed when they catch up with their brothers and sisters in the 100 gallon tank, but they are eartheaters and love to sift.



09-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Hey Rick, if those comparisons don't inspire new hobbyists to do large water changes, I don't know what will !!

09-12-2013, 01:58 PM
Actually, I found out that I have been feeding them Beefheart Plus Tropical Flake with GARLIC
Also, they were fed once a day, with 50% WC twice a week.
I will try to up both, and didnt even think about waking them up in the morning before work, and leaving the light on most of the day.
I felt like the algae growth would be a problem? Anyways, I will start the feedings in the mornings and add 1 or 2 more WC in a week.


09-15-2013, 08:32 PM
Well, I have started a new chapter in my early ownership of these Discus. I have made it easier and more convenient to do water changes, so that will improve to 3-4 times a week instead of twice, and I am able feeding them first thing in the morning to up their food intake. Only thing I cant give them is a bare bottom tank. The sand, driftwood, and plants will stay.


09-15-2013, 10:48 PM
what did you do? get a long hose or python attached to pump? i swear to goodness i ruined a stunning oak floor in parts with the darn buckets before i learned that !!!! my husband is in charge of water changes now (mwahaha) because he would wake up to me still up, come out of our room and catch me on hands and knees with 15 towels on the floor

i got banned from WC for a while but i did inspire myself to look into automating it more ! helps tones. once i have vacuumed the floor that is. :angel:

09-16-2013, 12:47 AM
Wow, thank you Art for the post & Rick, those are stunning beauties !! 50% WC everyday, wish I could do it.

09-16-2013, 11:12 AM
Yeah, those photos of the siblings inspired me to at least get in the habit of more WC's and more food. It at the very least will give them a chance to increase in size more than they would have, and if not, get me going down the right path for future ones.
MY next tank, yes, I will think about the bare bottom, but not this one.
And back to the python comment. I have had some faucet leaking problems when the pressure from the python attached to the bathroom sink faucet. It would cause it to leak from the back pressure. I am now using a closer traditionl, but crude hand faucet that has no leaking problems near the water meter in my basement. I am not able to bring the water in at the exact temperature, so I bring it in very slowly to acclimate it with the water in the tank to avoid temperature shock. So far so good.


10-19-2013, 03:09 PM
Well, I am done with the python for now. I am using a spare aquarium for water storage that I can store water in and do every other day wc with aged water at the correct temp. I have an air stone and heater in a 40 breeder that sits higher and just around the wall in a storage area that syphons the water over to the discus tank very easily.


P.S. I did lose the smallest discus about 3 weeks ago, so I am not sure what happend. His fins were torn, he seemed stressed (darker in color, not eating) Is this something that just happens, or could it have been brought on by something else? And, is 4 Discus going to be fine, or will I need to add another one? I feel like 4 is too little when it comes to pecking order, but I am not sure I want to put a complete different Discus in with them? Whats your opinion? Reminder, this is a 55 gallon tank.

10-19-2013, 05:22 PM
Impressive, Rick - your discus are superb!