View Full Version : Scratched Eye Infection

09-13-2013, 03:24 PM
One of the large males in my tank is very aggressive and constantly battling with the other large male over a female. He damaged his eye and fins on the driftwood last week.

What is the best medication for treating an eye injury?

I quarantined this week with 1 TBLSP salt for 5 gallons. I also treated for 5 days with Furan 2 since I had some on hand.
I'd say his eye is 50% better after 5 packets of Furan-2. 1 packet per 24hours with 100% water change each dose. Had to do it this way since the tank is not cycled.

I know just like with any injury it will take time but what should I do now besides provide lots of fresh water? I am debating returning him to the main tank since the quarantine is not cycled and the water becomes dirty throughout the day while I am at work. This can't be good for the healing process.

09-13-2013, 08:08 PM
Here's a pic of the eye.

http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w478/fiftymeatballs/photocopy3_zps409751f1.jpg (http://s1077.photobucket.com/user/fiftymeatballs/media/photocopy3_zps409751f1.jpg.html)