View Full Version : Please help identify, is it a problem?

09-16-2013, 08:10 PM

Ok so a week or so ago I had an issue with my Angel fish that is in my display tank, Pat thought it could be nerve damage on the Angel. Now I have this on one of my discus, it appears to be coming out of his skin, not attached. Is this something I need to start treating the entire tank for? My angel by the way has completely healed up so I guessing it was just from hitting a rock or something. Could this be a tumor? No other discus show any signs at the moment. Even the one one with the bump is very active and eating well.

09-16-2013, 08:12 PM
Pat could you or one of the other Admins move this to the sickness area, I just realized I put it in the general area, sorry.

09-16-2013, 09:52 PM
That looks like what most of us call a "pimple". They can happen for various reasons, but in every case daily water changes clears them up quickly.

Most often they are caused by water quality slipping or an upset in the balance of the tank. I've also had them happen due to fighting or breeding behavior. Just do daily water changes till you see it disappear and while you're doing them, figure out what caused it... test the water, look to see if something has changed (crud build up under driftwood or rotting food in plants?) and watch to see if that discus is getting picked on at night or getting in the middle of a mated pair.

Second Hand Pat
09-16-2013, 10:15 PM
It does look like a pimple and generally increasing the WCs will clear it up.