View Full Version : Filtration choices

09-28-2013, 08:01 AM
I was hoping to get some feedback on the best filtration out there for a 150 show tank. Anything that anyone has tried and was easy to maintain.
I'm looking into a sump setup but not sure if that's practical.

09-28-2013, 09:55 AM
As many members as there are on SD, you'll get that many opinions. My preference on my 125g is two Eheim canister filters each with an inline heater. They are silent and I only clean them about once every 6 months.

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09-28-2013, 10:03 AM
Sump or 2 large eheim.

Sump would provide better filtration but cleaning can be a pain (especially when it's dirty)

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09-28-2013, 10:08 AM
Sump is the best choice for large tank, as long as you keep the maintenance well like cleaning it every 2 weeks

09-28-2013, 10:26 AM
I would say sump is your best choice for a large tank. You don't have to clean your sump up to 6 months, just clean your pre-filter pad every 2 day or twice a week depend on how stock your tank and what kind of food you feed your fish. Just rinse your media 1 or twice a year to clean dirt.

09-28-2013, 11:13 AM
Agree with sump, and a small canister for backup.

09-28-2013, 12:12 PM
Thanks for all the replies! And yes there was a purpose for asking all SD members... More information equals an educated decision.
I wanted to have canister filters for silence, but I'm not liking the idea of pulling my sponges out every few days to clean under the tank... Because of this I was leaning toward a DIY stand pipe (basically acting as a overflow but more esthetic IMO) and a sump to always keep my water level the same on my main tank.
With these responses I believe I'm going to go for it.. I'm a DIY so is there others out there that built their sump and learned things that they wish they could of done? Let me hear your stories... Perhaps I can learn from ya!

P.S. I want to make sump only for discus... When I go saltwater in future I will build another

09-28-2013, 06:59 PM
for a big and show tank. def go with a sump. and that way u can hide ur heaters in the sump and not have it inside ur tank which can be a distraction. if not def go with 2 canister filters. i have 2 eheim classic 2217 in my 135g. and u dont have to take out ur sponges out in the canister every few days to clean it..i dont think anyone does that. i clean my eheim canisters like once a year. most people clean it like every 6 months.

09-29-2013, 12:15 PM
So if you don't clean or rinse out your filter media in a canister but only once in 6 months or a year, isn't that kind of like never
wiping down the sides of the tank? Seems like some nasties would be there for a long time. I lightly rinse the filters every few days to get
the caught food out of the AQ filters. I know it's a hassle to clean the canisters---had some Fluvals for a while.

On another note, can someone point me in the direction of tips on how to get discus to spawn. Having trouble finding info here on the forums.
The info seems to be scattered and I don't have lots of time to read every post.


09-29-2013, 12:29 PM
If you like the idea of a sump, it's a great way to go. Not sure if we are allowed to recommend sites but there are sites that do all kinds of DIY projects for fish keepers. Also a lot of people make their own sump systems. Just go to utube, and you can see tons of examples.

09-29-2013, 01:51 PM
So if you don't clean or rinse out your filter media in a canister but only once in 6 months or a year, isn't that kind of like never
wiping down the sides of the tank? Seems like some nasties would be there for a long time.

Yes, the media is usually really dirty when I clean it, but it doesn't seem to negatively affect the health of the fish. It depends alot on stocking levels and how much you feed. I usually wipe down the glass once a week. This was my procedure on a tank with adult fish.

09-29-2013, 02:12 PM
Must be a fool ... I tear appart my two big canisters and clean them (media just lightly) every three weeks. Prefilters inside the canisters are really filled with gunk. I use fine coarse sponge pre filters in my two intakes, they are cleaned in hot tap water every day.

09-29-2013, 03:29 PM
Two AC 110's on a 120 gallon with two large sponge pre-filters. Easy to clean. Rinse sponge filter in aquarium water every time I do a WC and run hot tap water over pre filters every few days. Water changes are not everyday but at least three or 4 times a week fifty percent.

09-29-2013, 06:47 PM
I was going to go with 2 AC to start things off and work my way into a sump, but I just might hold off a few weeks and get sump from the very start

Chicago Discus
09-29-2013, 09:09 PM
Start a moving bed in your sump with some sponges in the first chamber cleaning the moving bed is an ease you don't its self cleaning and works great.....Josie

09-29-2013, 09:23 PM
Start a moving bed in your sump with some sponges in the first chamber cleaning the moving bed is an ease you don't its self cleaning and works great.....Josie

Sounds like you have this set up... Any pictures by any chance? :)
I am a strong DIY, but in luxury of time I might just buy my sump and make my own overflow ( I personally like the tube In the tank creating a strong skimming action and won't fail in power outrages)
I am very interested in what type of sump would be best suited for discus, and whether it should be filtered by plants or filter media.. I love this planning stage! Ideas lead to better ideas ;)

09-29-2013, 11:16 PM
FYI - I purchased a tank with in tank overflow tube already installed set it all up and man was it noisy (gurgling), ended up fixing it with a simple Stockman silencer i made up from fittings from the hardware store almost completely silent now. I just have pre-filter sponges in the first section and lots of bio balls in the centre section and a couple of bags of ceramic noodles. So far works great.
I am getting more interested in the Seachem matrix product though my only concern is (now I could be wrong here) once its soiled don’t you have to replace it?

09-30-2013, 06:21 AM
I'm looking to do a fluidized system with k1 kaldness, it requires a tank and a couple of baffles. Looks really easy to build and from what I hear it's the hearties filtration out there :)

Chicago Discus
09-30-2013, 09:25 AM
I'm looking to do a fluidized system with k1 kaldness, it requires a tank and a couple of baffles. Looks really easy to build and from what I hear it's the hearties filtration out there :)

Good choice

09-30-2013, 03:19 PM
Thanks! The only thing I'm wondering is will I loose any benefit from going fluidized instead of a traditional sump with plants. Does the k1 do an adequate job with Amon and nitrates? If they are virtually the same amount of protection then I am definitely go fluidized.
Is there anyone out there that has used k1 kaldness?

09-30-2013, 04:48 PM
Logically, some kind of ceramic with billions of micro pores seems more efficient then something like K1 and with a pre-filter clogging should not be an issue. I just don't know enough, real first hand stuff, on media and as you know the manufacturers have all the greatest and best, so one must take lightly. I hope someone chimes in on this who has had media experience. I would like to know what media is being used and why?

Chicago Discus
09-30-2013, 06:20 PM
Thanks! The only thing I'm wondering is will I loose any benefit from going fluidized instead of a traditional sump with plants. Does the k1 do an adequate job with Amon and nitrates? If they are virtually the same amount of protection then I am definitely go fluidized.
Is there anyone out there that has used k1 kaldness?

I use K1 and I sell it I have three central systems set up in my fish house with kaldness K1. I also use fluidized bottles in my tanks with kaldness. They are easy to work with and are self cleaning as they bang into each other they release any build up collected on the K1. I have used ceramic, sponges, bio balls, lava rock, pot scrubbers, sinking media, floating media, canister filters, hang-ons and Poret walls. What I found is that the Kaldness keeps the water the cleanest with least upkeep. You can use floss or socks before it hits the kaldness but I have seen people use nothing and it still keeps up with the tank. Just my expirence .........Josie

09-30-2013, 06:29 PM
Logically, some kind of ceramic with billions of micro pores seems more efficient then something like K1 and with a pre-filter clogging should not be an issue. I just don't know enough, real first hand stuff, on media and as you know the manufacturers have all the greatest and best, so one must take lightly. I hope someone chimes in on this who has had media experience. I would like to know what media is being used and why?

K1 is good stuff. The thing about the Ceramic and stone media (matrix) is that eventually the pores get clogged and you only really have the surface anyhow. I heard Bio home is good though and there is another new media that looks interesting but I forget the name. Someone over on the plantedtank is selling it.

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09-30-2013, 07:01 PM
Where is the planted tank? I'm always interested in new stuff. I am pretty locked in on k1 but who knows :)

09-30-2013, 08:22 PM
Where is the planted tank? I'm always interested in new stuff. I am pretty locked in on k1 but who knows :)

Here it is:


09-30-2013, 09:38 PM
i was also interested in doing this, saw one old thread on this forum where he had moving bed, with a tank that was in the wall, had a lot of followers but couldnt find WHERE it showed HOW to set this up, can someone tell me, so from what your saying is that an inverted tank inside the sump with the baffles , and then the K1 media inside, with what air stone to make it move? made my own bottle filters with K1 like media and it works great ! doesnt look pretty but if it filters im all in, also made one with purigen in it to see how that works for me. moving perigean, seems to do great so far.

Josie, sounds like we should have a Sump and filtration class ! have you heard or do you sell the stuff that i bought on ebay its called one step up from K1 media, it looks similar but supposed to have even more surfaces on it, anyway thats what i bought $20/gallon of it, ill buy happily from you next time !

looking to learn how to make the BEST possible or buy a great sump/filtration system, was going to go refugium for nitrates instead of using nitrate removing chemical media, but not reduce water changes.

I'm looking to do a fluidized system with k1 kaldness, it requires a tank and a couple of baffles. Looks really easy to build and from what I hear it's the hearties filtration out there :)

09-30-2013, 09:38 PM
Thanks! I definitely like this approach for a hob filter... I might be getting this for my grow out tank.
I think for the scale of what I want 150 show tank heavily stocked the k1 is going to work perfectly allowing me to over size filter and gain extra gallons ;)

Chicago Discus
09-30-2013, 09:51 PM
I will try to take a video of one of my sumps for you guys to take a look and get some ideas......Josie

09-30-2013, 10:00 PM
i was also interested in doing this, saw one old thread on this forum where he had moving bed, with a tank that was in the wall, had a lot of followers but couldnt find WHERE it showed HOW to set this up, can someone tell me, so from what your saying is that an inverted tank inside the sump with the baffles , and then the K1 media inside, with what air stone to make it move? made my own bottle filters with K1 like media and it works great ! doesnt look pretty but if it filters im all in, also made one with purigen in it to see how that works for me. moving perigean, seems to do great so far.

Josie, sounds like we should have a Sump and filtration class ! have you heard or do you sell the stuff that i bought on ebay its called one step up from K1 media, it looks similar but supposed to have even more surfaces on it, anyway thats what i bought $20/gallon of it, ill buy happily from you next time !

looking to learn how to make the BEST possible or buy a great sump/filtration system, was going to go refugium for nitrates instead of using nitrate removing chemical media, but not reduce water changes.

Check this out.. This is practically what I want to do!

09-30-2013, 10:08 PM
What size do you think I will need under my 150? 30g and how much k1? For a projected fish load of 20 discus

09-30-2013, 10:32 PM
Check this out for sizing the filter to the fish stocking levels


09-30-2013, 11:36 PM
Awesome! I subscribe to him as well :)

10-01-2013, 04:06 PM
So now that I have the whole place to myself I have done some redecorating and now have room to play around with placement. I wanted to get opinions on these 2 that I have so far.
3 pictures of each spot


10-01-2013, 04:09 PM
Second question is will I need to add air to the main tank since I will have a sump heavily oxygenated?

10-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Out of the two possible positions I vote for by the stairs. To me the second position looks odd right there. I guess the idea is for it to be a room divider? But from the pic it almost looks like the area by the fireplace will be too narrow or something. Also, keeping the tank next to the sliders, you might be over run with algae? What about that long wall where you have the baseboard heating?

I think if you are using a sump, you won't need to add supplemental oxygen to the display tank. Sumps usually add a lot of oxygen to the water.

10-01-2013, 04:27 PM
Out of the two possible positions I vote for by the stairs. To me the second position looks odd right there. I guess the idea is for it to be a room divider? But from the pic it almost looks like the area by the fireplace will be too narrow or something. Also, keeping the tank next to the sliders, you might be over run with algae?

I think if you are using a sump, you won't need to add supplemental oxygen to the display tank. Sumps usually add a lot of oxygen to the water.

Thanks for your thoughts... I too am liking the position by the stairs only what you can't see is the flip side is the tv spot... Awkward combo that I'm not sure how to remedy...
The other spot is my attempt at an island tank that will have 1 overflow and 1 return going into tank. It will be sleek and stylish and don't worry about the fireplace.. I shut gas off because I have efficient electric heaters that work way better. I will prob block that with something (wall of plants perhaps)... One key factor of being close to backdoor is I can siphon water for plants :)

As you can tell I'm fond of the middle position because it presents more of a challenge and I'm a single guy in a 2 bedroom apt... Go big right ;)

10-01-2013, 04:31 PM
I vote against putting the aquarium by the stairs. You would frighten your discus every time you'd walk down stairs. I say move the plants out of the way and place the tank their or opposite side away from stairs.

10-01-2013, 04:33 PM
Here is a quick pic of some furniture in place
There is plenty of room to walk to the backdoor
Ps snuck a pic of my guys.. They were very interested in their new home

10-01-2013, 04:53 PM
Leak test commencing
Full and looking pretty :) as long as this thing passes my leak test I think I'm going to leave it there :)

10-01-2013, 07:21 PM
Good choice, better than placing it next to the stairs:thumbup:

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10-02-2013, 07:03 PM
I might be the odd one here but I like it next to the stair... Assuming you would put a back ground on it of some sort

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10-02-2013, 07:05 PM
No background... I want visible access from all sides.. The pictures don't do it justice but everyone that has come over has loved the position, and really for all of my purposes... It's best in the middle of the room :)