View Full Version : please help, bought sick fish

09-28-2013, 03:14 PM
ok been looking for a long time at discus,finally moved my south Americans to bigger tank and redressed tank for discus
Tank is four years old 40 gal ( got four 2.5" discus before any one says a 40 not enough tank) have planes for getting a 90 when they got some size
new bio filter
2 150 w heaters at each end
sand sub with drift wood
ph 6.5
no3 20
no2 0
kh 0
gh 0
ammonia 0
well water
sand filter on house
30 gal holding tank
water changes 25% daily
tried 50% daily didnt change anything
water parameters stay the same

First sign of sick fish day one colors darken
day two sides of fish became cloudy and film looking , contacted breeder instructed to raise temp add salt ...temp went to 87 1 tbsp per 10 gal
day tree and four water changes 50% added salt to replace kept lights off
day five added Maracyn-oxy to treatment
day six and seven maracyn and salt with temp
day eight and nine sides cleared kept same as 6&7
day 10 & 11 sides cleared colors didn't come back and fins down, contacted breeder instructed to keep temp and salt going and 50% water changes ( you should be good )
day 12 & 13 no change in fish hiding darting not eating
day 14 lost one of four fish
day 15 no

09-28-2013, 03:34 PM
you say you bought sick discus?? So they were sick when you received them?? Now you say you redressed your tank, meaning what exactly? Did you sterilize it and did you do the same with your filters?

09-28-2013, 06:17 PM
BEFORE starting a new thread requesting help, please copy and paste the Disease Questionnaire and fill in the required information. This will help people give more timely and considered advice.
Please click here for the Questionnaire! (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?38545-Disease-Questionnaire-please-complete) While you answered most of the questions on it, you'll get more accurate help if you do the questionnaire.

Good luck.

09-28-2013, 10:34 PM
hummm...."accurate help" ....lol what does that mean....
While you answered most of the questions on it, you'll get more accurate help if you do the questionnaire.

Good luck.

09-29-2013, 12:14 AM
hummm...."accurate help" ....lol what does that mean....Nothing directed at you. Think of how many times we're given partial information & later discover the OP left out something that changes the entire diagnosis & treatment. Isn't the purpose of the big red text at the top of the pages in this subforum is to get people to fill out the questionnaire to try to reduce those forgotten items that might result in an inaccurate diagnosis?

Even you had questions that could have been answered if he'd completed the questionnaire. ;)

09-29-2013, 01:02 PM
haha I knew what you meant just cutting up with ya.....lol

09-29-2013, 02:52 PM
Excellent. I have a bad habit of not wording things in a socially acceptable way, so I just wanted to make sure my intention was clear. I'm glad we're on the same page. :D