View Full Version : Suggestion for different size of discus in one tank ?

09-30-2013, 03:01 PM
Hi Everyone
I am new to the forum.
I do have a question of my Display Tank that have trouble me for quiet sometime.
Tank : 85 Gallon acrylic Tank, Water : PH 7.2 -7.8 , GH 200, Nitrate :10-20 , Temp 84-86 F, W.C , every 3 days 25% aged water. Filter :
Canister 370 G /Hr + FOB 400G/H + 1 x air stone.
Feed 2-3 Times a day, Diet : Prime reef , Color Bit, Blood worm, Tubifex worm(dry), Light 10 Hrs - 2 - H.O T5 on timer.
Start with 9 mid size Discus 3.5" + 2 (2 .5") for more than a year and half ago.
Only one cobalt blue growth to 6" size which almost double size of others with brilliant color, but rest of fish have no/ very small growth at all for last 6-8 month or so. Have try many different diet, with not much result.
The Cobalt is Male Dominate fish, and it has try to breed with two - three other females. (attached Picture taking three months ago, now it is 1/2" bigger) * Most the fishes were imported

My question is 1) what is the reason for no growth ? 2) Should I separate the Cobalt to new tank,( even though is mine favorite in display ....)

(I have read a lot post about growth hindering hormone, not sure it is ture)
any suggestion ?


09-30-2013, 03:37 PM
The females as you described are pigeon based and the cobalt is not. So the mix would not render good stock in my opinion.

Find him a blue diamond, blue turq, or another cobalt would be good.

09-30-2013, 04:29 PM
Hi Everyone
I am new to the forum.
I do have a question of my Display Tank that have trouble me for quiet sometime.
Tank : 85 Gallon acrylic Tank, Water : PH 7.2 -7.8 , GH 200, Nitrate :10-20 , Temp 84-86 F, W.C , every 3 days 25% aged water. Filter :
Canister 370 G /Hr + FOB 400G/H + 1 x air stone.
Feed 2-3 Times a day, Diet : Prime reef , Color Bit, Blood worm, Tubifex worm(dry), Light 10 Hrs - 2 - H.O T5 on timer.
Start with 9 mid size Discus 3.5" + 2 (2 .5") for more than a year and half ago.
Only one cobalt blue growth to 6" size which almost double size of others with brilliant color, but rest of fish have no/ very small growth at all for last 6-8 month or so. Have try many different diet, with not much result.
The Cobalt is Male Dominate fish, and it has try to breed with two - three other females. (attached Picture taking three months ago, now it is 1/2" bigger) * Most the fishes were imported

My question is 1) what is the reason for no growth ? 2) Should I separate the Cobalt to new tank,( even though is mine favorite in display ....)

(I have read a lot post about growth hindering hormone, not sure it is ture)
any suggestion ?


Here was a transcript of what Jack Wattley actually said regarding the matter of stunted discus in a tank with a larger discus. Note that he also states that he was doing 40% water changes daily, and thus this was never an issue from him.

It would be interesting, anecdotally, if the others would grow out if the larger discus is removed. Others say that it is just because the bigger one eats all the food, and maybe there is something to that aspect as well. Oh well.. we may never know the truth.

I know others will say that PH doesn't matter, etc, but PH looks high to me, Nitrates are high in my opinion, and GH is very high.


09-30-2013, 07:18 PM
I don't know if there's still time to grow them out more, but here's what you can try. Oh and leave the cobalt in the tank unless you purchase a mate for him. He won't be happy all by himself.

Ok, the feeding and water change schedule to get maximum growth from your discus:

1) Up the feedings to 6 times per day. The foods you are feeding are fine for them, just add more feedings. If you are at work during the day, buy an inexpensive auto feeder and use that for 3 meals. Be sure to feed the last meal late at night. Add that feeding 30 minutes before you turn out the lights on the tank.

2) Water changes - This is really important! Do a 50% water change every day. Don't skip a day!

And that's it. If they have the potential to grow some more you will see it in the first month of the new schedule. If they don't grow at all during that month then it's too late for them.

On a side note and in case you decide to grow out more discus, you should use that feeding and water change schedule for at least the first year that you are growing them out and if you want truly large discus, continue it for the second year too.

I hope this helps you out. =)