View Full Version : BRIGHTER DAYS...

10-12-2013, 04:57 PM
Hi All,

After going through the recent pain of loosing one of my discus I think I am on the road to recovery and my four remaining discus seem to be doing well and are no worse off for the wear and tear! Thanks again to all of you for all of your support and suggestions in helping me try to get my sick fish healthy....Guess it was just his time. The remaining four are doing well...Eating swimming around and starting to become a little more accustomed to movements around the tank.

I may have posted in the past asking if someone might help with IDing my fish. (If so sorry for the redundancy)They came from a local fs (probably all some sort of crosses or throwbacks), butI'm not in this for show...I JUST LOVE DISCUS!!

So, that being said I wounder if someone in the group would take a stab as to the type of discus these are. They are all approx 6+ months old and are 3+/- inches from mouth to base of tail.

Thanks so much for your assistance and continued support.


10-12-2013, 05:03 PM
1) Pigeon Blood

2) Some sort of brown based discus - not sure of strain

3) Blue Diamond type

4) Melon type pigeon blood

OC Discus
10-12-2013, 05:11 PM

10-12-2013, 05:16 PM
I agree with Toni. The second appears to possibly be a BSS though I'm only counting 12 bars.

10-12-2013, 05:25 PM

Thanks...Knew I'd could depend on hearing from you.

The PB is the one that went through the ordeal with the BT that passed. She has started eating againand is acting quite "normal"...At least for now! (Keeping my fingers crossed!!)


10-12-2013, 09:25 PM
The labels on the photos are not all correct.

Here's my totally uneducated guess: ;)
1. Pigeon blood
2. First thought it was a brown based turquoise, but it's a 14 bar Snakeskin cross of some sort.
3. First thought it was a blue diamond too, but upon further inspection, I see a bar at the eye & tail, some striation on face, plus red on anal fin, so I'd say cobalt.
4. This is a melon cross (also a strain of pigeon blood). Not sure on specifics.

10-12-2013, 09:54 PM
I agree that the second one is a snakeskin-type. The extra bars and the fine striation along the top of the body are the giveaway. Eventually it should develop the fine, tight striations on the cheeks and face which are characteristic of snakeskin types. Most snakes have 14 bars but I've seen them have 10, 12, etc. as people continue to cross them with other discus types.

As David said, the bar along the caudal peduncle would suggest your blue fish is a cobalt because a true Blue Diamond should have no bars.

10-12-2013, 11:02 PM