View Full Version : water conditioning

10-21-2013, 07:21 PM
Hey guys

I have been running my discus tank for about 6 months ago and going well with a upgrade tank already waiting to come in, now this question I know is like the most basic question ever and I will sound like a novice asking it but the fact is I never have asked or been told lol. Basicly every time I do a water change I condition the water, than add it to the tank, I always thought this was the safest idea as discus are so sensitive (now knowing they arnt that sensitive that people keep saying they are), is it safe to add the water straight into the tank than put conditioner straight into the tank? Do I condition the whole tank or just the water I put in?

I know it a stupid question but would make my life so much easier to conditioning in the tank

10-21-2013, 07:56 PM
The consensus on SD is put the conditioner, enough for the volume of the entire tank if you use Prime, and then add water. I personally do otherwise.

10-21-2013, 08:39 PM
I add aged water then add seachem safe to the water. I think my water is very safe to the point where the conditioner is mainly a safety.

10-22-2013, 11:14 AM
Some people add their conditioner to their tank as they are during a w/c. Me, I age my water in a 55G barrel then add prime in the barrel itself right before I do a w/c..................

10-22-2013, 11:22 AM
I am one that does the other, I age my water 24 hours, syphon my tank, add safe for the whole tank volume then refill using the aged water. It works instantly. I reached out to seachem and asked how they recommend doing it and that is what they say. Been doing it that way every since with no issues...

Boyd Luth
10-22-2013, 11:47 AM
If your water has Chrloramine, Sp. and Chlorine. Chlorine dissipates in 24 hours ? However the Chloramine remains. Why take a chance ? I add my Safe/Prime conditioner as I fill my aged water containers....then after heating them the next day, add to my tanks....just works for me this way.

10-22-2013, 05:44 PM
:bandana: I add Safe to the tank volume & refill the tank directly. I know some others age the water overnite but I've had no major problems adding it directly. "T"

10-22-2013, 06:22 PM
there have been many threads on this on this forum, you can search and read them, heck I even started one. No matter how you do it, rather you add it directly to the tank and dose the tank volume or if you add it to your aging barrel right before you refill your tank, what I would not do is add it to your aging barrel and let it age for 24 hours and then add to your tank.