View Full Version : How many discus have u lost? And how much loss was it? Lol

10-22-2013, 01:21 AM
Based on so many help discus sick threads. Im curious to know in all yur years of discus keeping, how many u have lost and how much $$$ loss so far?

10-22-2013, 04:22 AM
I'm just about to end my first year with discus and I've lost one discus. I've learned so much in such a short time. I believe my beginning success is owed to this forum and the people of simply discus. So far I'm out fifty bucks on dead fish.

10-22-2013, 09:16 AM
I have never had a fish tank in my life, I went in blind bought a 300L fish tank and just decided on discus, while tank was cycling I did lots of research, mainly on this forum, found a guy that wanted all discus gone for bulk cheap, brought 22 discus, sold all the small ones and kept 9 fully grown ones, best of the Lot, quarentined, 6 months later here I am upgrading to a 850L tank :) out of all that I never lost one discus, quite amazed

Second Hand Pat
10-22-2013, 09:20 AM
Based on so many help discus sick threads. Im curious to know in all yur years of discus keeping, how many u have lost and how much $$$ loss so far?

Seems only fair since you posed the question that you could relate your experiences in lost fish and money spend. :)

10-22-2013, 09:29 AM
Agreed, experience is counted based on lost fishes and money spend,lol. Then i'm happy about my experience :)

Seems only fair since you posed the question that you could relate your experiences in lost fish and money spend. :)

10-22-2013, 09:37 AM
Back probably 15 years ago I brought some fish in that had cryptobia. The problem with it is that it can be there for many months without you knowing so no matter how well you Q you fish you can get it. I save all of my breeding stock but culled several hundred fry. Other than that the only fish I have lost were from old age or physical damage( i.e. crashed into the front of the tank hard enough to kill himself....I was taking fry from him).


10-22-2013, 09:37 AM

from my first LFS fish.. lost about 6 (about $35 each.. ) 1st fish

bought about 35 fry about $5 to $10 each.. lost all except for like 7.. these were 2nd fish..

paid $300 for 6 great looking fish.. mix qt.. one died..

lost some free fish..

paid $300 for an entire batch for Contest.. lost half due to bad heater..

idk don't know $ value, but that's the idea.. only done it for 3 years.. .. sold some of them that I bought that did not die.. just to get rid of them..

10-22-2013, 09:48 AM
Check this out:


10-22-2013, 11:03 AM
I think a poll with price ranges would be a much better option rather than people posting. I would think members would be very hesitant to post a exact price publicly on exactly how much they have lost. I know for a fact of some people who have lost over 1k in fish and have nothing to show for it..............

10-22-2013, 11:14 AM
since recent threads have started about new to the hobby on care of discus, also wonder if they could share why they lost it. Was it due to lack of maintenance, water quality and lack of WC's etc.... and what they learned or maybe thats another thread, just curious because I know I could add to that....;)

10-22-2013, 11:32 AM
I lost 3 so far out of 28. 1 runt that stopped eating, 1 shock, and 1 not sure if it was hex or some internal problems.
Total $220

10-22-2013, 12:05 PM
It's been a year almost a full year for me and I had to put 1 down due to swim bladder issues. Since I bought 10, the seller threw in 1 for free. Sooooo I guess I didn't really lose any $$ lol

10-22-2013, 12:19 PM
Due to when I was 12 or 13 and spent all lawn cutting money experimenting with discus... and when my 1 year old smashed a tank with a hammer a year and half ago when I was installing hardwood floors... I'll basically exercise my right to remain silient...

10-22-2013, 09:51 PM
Approximately 20 lost (3.5"-6.5" at time of death) in the past year. We're now waiting to see if the remaining 20 (4.5"-7" currently) make it through the winter or if we need to cull them all before we consider expanding again.

Price when purchased for those already lost? Approximately $1500. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/faint-1.gif

OC Discus
10-22-2013, 10:42 PM
Never lost any to death. Recently culled 2 to stay within tank limits because no lfs would buy them- cost=$80. Also lost several worth about $400 when moving and tearing down the tank. Sold the whole set up cheap and threw in the fish. Also culled a couple hundred dollars worth of other fish when switching to all discus.

10-23-2013, 12:01 AM
Thats out of how many?

Approximately 20 lost (3.5"-6.5" at time of death) in the past year. We're now waiting to see if the remaining 20 (4.5"-7" currently) make it through the winter or if we need to cull them all before we consider expanding again.

Price when purchased for those already lost? Approximately $1500. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/tazfreeatlast/stuff/Smileys/faint-1.gif

10-23-2013, 12:38 AM
Out of a total of 14 discus over the last 2 years ive lost 4. One of my almost geown adults which I attributed to a deformity it had when I got it which made one side of its head kinda sunk in like angels get sometimes. The other 3 were babies just big enough to see them. I attributed that to shipping stress when they came from the breeder.


10-23-2013, 06:09 AM
Thats out of how many?Sorry. I thought I stated that in my previous post.
20 died or were culled + 20 remaining = 40 total?

10-23-2013, 09:52 PM
Never lost any to death. Recently culled 2 to stay within tank limits because no lfs would buy them- cost=$80. Also lost several worth about $400 when moving and tearing down the tank. Sold the whole set up cheap and threw in the fish. Also culled a couple hundred dollars worth of other fish when switching to all discus.

Wait.....You "culled" two fish cause your tank was basically overcrowded?????? And cause no LFS would buy them???????????????

OC Discus
10-23-2013, 10:21 PM
Expensive hobby. I bought a large group of juveniles to grow out, expecting to have loss. As they grew I had to remove a couple. Wish I could have sold them.

Wait.....You "culled" two fish cause your tank was basically overcrowded?????? And cause no LFS would buy them???????????????

10-23-2013, 10:29 PM
Expensive hobby.
I agree it's a expensive hobby. But why didn't you take less cash for the fish or hell even give them away??? You pretty much just murdered two fish cause you had too many.............

OC Discus
10-23-2013, 10:35 PM
Would you have bought them or drove to Tennessee to get them?

I agree it's a expensive hobby. But why didn't you take less cash for the fish or hell even give them away??? You pretty much just murdered two fish cause you had too many.............

OC Discus
10-23-2013, 10:37 PM
Next time I need to dispose of some I'll send you a message.

I agree it's a expensive hobby. But why didn't you take less cash for the fish or hell even give them away??? You pretty much just murdered two fish cause you had too many.............

10-23-2013, 11:20 PM
Would you have bought them or drove to Tennessee to get them?

I'm just saying there had to be someone who would've taking them in.........

10-23-2013, 11:22 PM
Why advertise on craigslist or just give away to lfs?

10-24-2013, 06:17 AM
Would you have bought them or drove to Tennessee to get them?
It must have been bad timing for us because we've bought over 15 discus from SD members in or near Tennessee this year. heheh

Please let me know if/when you have some available again & can't find a local buyer. I might have someone that can help.

OC Discus
10-24-2013, 09:16 PM
Ok. I'll remember to post here when I have fish.

It must have been bad timing for us because we've bought over 15 discus from SD members in or near Tennessee this year. heheh

Please let me know if/when you have some available again & can't find a local buyer. I might have someone that can help.

10-26-2013, 07:06 PM
I have kept discus for over 10 yrs. The ones lost where usually due to old age.
But I have lost some younger ones (6 to 12 mths old) over the years simply because they stopped eating. They're not sick, swim around with the rest of the mob, but don't eat any more and eventually die. Never figured out why.
As for monetary losses? Who counts with a hobby!

10-26-2013, 07:31 PM
I lost one last night. Fish was swim around fine but stop eating for last 2 days. I couldn't figure out why. Test water and everything is fine.

I have kept discus for over 10 yrs. The ones lost where usually due to old age.
But I have lost some younger ones (6 to 12 mths old) over the years simply because they stopped eating. They're not sick, swim around with the rest of the mob, but don't eat any more and eventually die. Never figured out why.
As for monetary losses? Who counts with a hobby!

10-26-2013, 11:52 PM
I lost 6 of my original 9 last year due to cross contamination with a new group of discus. Then I culled the new discus when I realized that they weren't sick, they were carriers of something that made my originals sick. I couldn't keep the new guys because of the risk of them infecting any new fish I brought in. Also couldn't breed them for the same reason.

Currently have two tanks full of healthy discus - 7 jumbo adults and 5 juvies who are growing like weeds.

Total out of pocket on the losses? Hmmm, about $700.

10-27-2013, 01:36 AM
I have kept discus for over 10 yrs. The ones lost where usually due to old age.
But I have lost some younger ones (6 to 12 mths old) over the years simply because they stopped eating. They're not sick, swim around with the rest of the mob, but don't eat any more and eventually die. Never figured out why.
As for monetary losses? Who counts with a hobby!

Is this common in discus folks?

William Palumbo
10-27-2013, 01:24 PM
In no way is it "common" to lose fish like that, and at that age. There was an underlying issue overlooked...Bill

10-27-2013, 06:13 PM
It all depends on how you interpret the deaths. Deaths that were my fault? I don't know, one maybe two.

Culls i have gotten that were beyond saving, it's happened.

LFS rescues i talked them into giving or selling me cheap.. a couple.

Money i've lost, well i haven't lost any money, I knew D**N well I what i was getting into in the discus hobby. That is why i chose it. Not for the money, but for the thrill of victory. When it all comes together and your favorite two pair up and make babies, you never wonder "how much did i spend on that pair." or when one of your friends or a family member come into your living room and look around then say "Oh wow, that is a beautiful aquarium and those FISH ARE AMAZING!! What are they!!!" Well let me tell you about em. They're discus and blah blah blah.. But i personally never respond "Ya there expensive"

For me the cost doesn't matter. And I am not rich.

nuff said?

10-27-2013, 09:04 PM
It's been almost a year since I started in fish keeping and just probably 5 moths that I got into discus, I got a couple of them like 6 I remember, and reading toooooooooooooo many things about how the ph apshould be kep constant and the cycle of planted tank at night and air stones running to have the tank with air. I decided to turn the airs tone off at night. Second day most of fishes were gasping for air in the morning, put the air stone but up running, and when I came from work, he was dead. I got soooooooooo ****ing mad,( excuse myself) at my myself for being soooo stupid, but learn the lesson. The. Only I don't care, as I've always been too connected to my animals. Still miss him though.

all about the fish
10-28-2013, 05:01 PM
We have lost 1 so far. $60

the fish got stuck in the drift wood. Did a wc and there it was. My husband was so mad!! Needless to say out came the wood and the saw.

10-29-2013, 09:44 AM
Lost 2 fish already in my 3 months. Cost me around $350

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