View Full Version : Fin rot

10-27-2013, 10:08 AM
Haveing had a problem in my tank with fin rot which im sure was due to three days of a very cold wind blowing through northan thialand. The fin rot caught 2 of my breeding pairs and a far few adult fish in my pairing tank. Which money wise had about 1000s worth of fish about 35000 baht

So what did i do just the same as any thai farm would do i added Formaldehyde in a small dose but even though i though i was sure ide got the ballance right it was to much so the fish that were in the tank that did not yet have fin rot sufferd aswell the end result was i lost the week fish with the fin rot as well as some good fish as well
You might say well why the hell would you use something like formaldhyde but thai breeder live by it they add it to every tank that they get eggs in and i find it world so much better for this job that the methane blues used in europe.

Here they add 2 products to the water after a lay a yellow power and formaldhyde and the egg loss rate very low. And for cost its 2 dollors us a big bottle

10-28-2013, 05:52 AM
How much formaldehyde do you add? I have not used it but I was told the dosage is 1 drop per gallon and repeat daily. I could be wrong on that. Now you see why almost all Discus owners use heaters. If where you live is very warm they will not go on because they are thermostatic. The cost of the heaters is what it is but there will be little or no electric used if you country is warm, they will not turn themselves on.

10-29-2013, 08:59 PM
Oh man! Well what is done is done, what I usually do before doing any treatment of medicine is inspection the water quality and. Makee sure they are where they need to be...even so suspect of the water quality first before anything else, second I do more water changes, daily if you can of at least 50%, more would be great. I usually do 80% for like a full month. If and only after tht time I still see that the problem persist then I decide what medication to use carefully and the upcoming side effects. Most of the time raising the temp a bit high and frequent wc would fix the problem. I usually treat fin root just with big water changes and raising the temp a bit, I've almost never have to use medication for that.