View Full Version : Can I use filter media from a non-discus tank to speed up cycle?

10-29-2013, 09:33 PM
I realize I've asked a lot of questions this week, but I really don't want to mess anything up. I'm starting a fishless cycle on the tank I'm preparing for my future discus. The first time I cycled this filter it seemed to take forever! Since then I've always used media from my other tanks to get things moving.

I have a very healthy 120 gal tank with 7 frontosa, 2 peacocks and 2 compresis (all ciclids). Would it be a bad idea to use media from this tank? I don't know if there is any bacteria that other fish are know to carry that would be harmful to discus. I know many of you say to get some from the person you plan to buy the discus from, but how do I do that prior to buying?

Thanks again for all of your help!

10-29-2013, 09:39 PM
If you do you will not have a clean tank for your discus... because with any additions like that you introduce good and bad. Yes you will speed the cycle up but what will that accomplish for you? It may get you a tank full of sick discus...

10-29-2013, 09:49 PM
That's what I was afraid you were going to say...I guess here's to another 6 weeks of looking at an empty tank. Thanks for the advice.

10-30-2013, 09:46 AM
What nwehrman says is true. However, I seeded my discus tank from a HEALTHY non discus tank for an instant cycle. I just had a bag of ceramic media in my sump, and dropped some in my discus HOB, and sat the rest of the bag in tank. I have never seen any readings on API test kit, all 0. I do 50% water changes daily or every other day.

So, IMO, it works like a charm but is more risky than the fishless cycle.

10-30-2013, 11:05 AM
Lisa T, there are preparations that contain bacteria that may jump start your cycling. One is TetraSafeStart and there are others. I suggest you try Kens Fish, an SD sponsor, for them because he has several different brands and his prices are cheap. I also suggest you buy extra incase you want to redose or if you lose your BB. If you search this site you should find more information.

10-30-2013, 11:51 AM
Lisa, where are you getting them from? Some will have a seeded filter already from that tank they came out of they can offer to you. Also seachem stabilty is an option. If you have the time to get the fishless cycle started before you receive them then thats what I would do.

10-30-2013, 12:26 PM
I have had good luck with some types of purchased bacteria. I usually throw in a shrimp from the seafood section of the store into the tank to feed it.

10-30-2013, 02:25 PM
Troy, I'm not sure where I'm getting them yet. I see that there's a place in Union, NJ called Discus Madness, which is about an hour from me...I figured when the time gets nearer I'd check them out. (I found their website through this site). I figure it will at least save me the cost of shipping. Nothing's definite yet...it appears I have quite some time to shop around while this filter cycles.

Joan, when I cycled my very first tank someone told me to put some "stuff" in it...I don't even remember if it was bacteria (doubtful) or if it was some sort of ammonia killer. It completely stalled my cycle. I can't remember how I solved the problem, but it was a huge mistake. I'd love to give one of these products a try, but I'm so hesitant. Unfortunately, I'm also very impatient.

10-30-2013, 04:57 PM
I think it would be important to know what you put in - either bacteria or ammonia neutralizer. I can't imagine why bacteria would stall a cycling tank. Even if it was dead, I don't know why it would do that. Seems like the only ways to stall a cycle are to outright kill the bacteria or starve it. I take down and set tanks up all the time and don't get too worked up about it (I'm not talking about discus tanks, however). I do like to have bacteria on hand to throw into a filter or tank. I have used a few products, one that has impressed me is Start Smart. I've been keeping Pure Pond on hand and have used it in newly set up filters before. I'm impatient too and I just like to bring fish home. I also do large, frequent water changes no matter what is in my tanks. If it were me, I'd try some bacteria and feed it. It will either work/help or not, but it's not going to prolong the process. At worst, it will be a waste of money.

10-30-2013, 05:13 PM
I'm honestly not sure what happened. I'm doubtful that it could have been bacteria. I'm just leery of using anything out of a bottle since then. ...with the exception of ammonia and water conditioner/ dechlorinator. I don't even use dechlorinator on my other tanks because I have well water and hardy fish. I will, however use it with discus. BUT I have decided to give Tetra Safe Start a try. I'm not sure what I'm doing, so you are likely to see more questions from me.


10-30-2013, 05:20 PM
It's great that you are asking--before you get your fish even. Fewer problems later I think. You can still look into getting a seeded filter from whoever you're getting your fish from. I've heard that Kenny does that I think.