View Full Version : how much plants should i plant for sand substrate tank?

11-15-2013, 02:48 AM
some of u already know im changing out my safe t sorb substrate to pool filter sand.
i have heavy amount of plants right now. lot of it is due to carpeting from Dwarf Sag and multiple crypts and small swords.

i noticed most ppl who use sand for discus keep minimum plants...maybe few big ones at most or just in background while leaving front with no plants and just sand.

if i were to use most of my plants, it would cover 50-75% of sand substrate. if i dont do carpeting plants like dwarf sag then maybe at 40-50%.
does anyone see a problem using too many plants?

my plan is to siphon the sand surface when i do WCs. does the heavy plants interfere with this and keeping sand clean?