View Full Version : Need Advice Pleaze

11-17-2013, 10:26 PM
I have 5 dicus's that are all very different in pattern and colors. Bought from the same breeder except 2 which I purchased from a pet store before I found the breeder.

The most expensive ones lil mother of pearl which is a beautiful white pearl with red spots and blueish fin and others are similar pattern with different colors.

Now my problem:
The one I purchased form the pet store earlier than the ones from the breeder is a bit aggressive and chases others. It is not the biggest but has the biggest eyes (3" discus. He is orange with traces of black on his nose and fins. After a week, my other beautiful disci's started to change their color to conform to him because it also has now dark tint blackish nose and fins also turning black.

1. Should I get rid of the one from the pet store by returning or selling it?
2. Should I go back to the breeder and get a few more with similar color or patterns so they are more of the same type?

I also did separate the aggressive one for 24 hours and then ut him back. I will need to observe him to see if he is still aggressive.


Sumo Boy 5
11-17-2013, 11:47 PM
Did you quarantine them before placing these discus together?

11-18-2013, 12:07 AM
Did you quarantine them before placing these discus together?

when you say quarantine.. hat do you mean? these fishes have been in the tank now for over 2 weeks. they seem awfully shy always hiding out...

Sumo Boy 5
11-18-2013, 12:10 AM
when you say quarantine.. hat do you mean? these fishes have been in the tank now for over 2 weeks. they seem awfully shy always hiding out...

Since you got them from two different suppliers did you put them in separate tanks first before introducing them together?

11-18-2013, 12:22 AM
Since you got them from two different suppliers did you put them in separate tanks first before introducing them together?

no since the two were already in the existing tank.. should i have taken him out for a few days and put them all in together?

Sumo Boy 5
11-18-2013, 12:38 AM
I think he is a stunted pigeon. I would get rid of him before he kills any of your expensive stock.

11-18-2013, 12:48 AM
what does stunted pigeon mean? And why would he potentially harm other stock to that point?

11-18-2013, 12:49 AM
Are any of your discus pigeons? Is your substrate black or dark color? If so, that would explain the change in black coloration on fins and nose. Some aggression is to be expected as your fish will establish a pecking order so don't get worried unless the one(s) getting chased get overly stressed. What size is your tank and do you keep any other fish with your discus? Also the one with big eyes you bought from the pet store may be stunted, just an FYI. You may want to consider getting discus from one of sponsors in the future, and remember, always QT any new fish before adding them to your tank...

11-18-2013, 12:57 AM
The tank is 36 gallons and I have 14 small neon tray's 2 barb tetras X2, 4 x small stegie cores and 1 small golden nugget. Oh and 3 guppies (small) my little daughter loves. The disci's are about 2 - 2/1 inches for most of them and this one may be stunted from what I have read in the article found in google. Also the second discus i bought is only 1 1/2 inch from the pet store that i got at the same day and that one has always been shy as well. he turns light and then very dark (whole body). Maybe I am just better off pulling those 2 out of the tank to be on the safe sir. And buy future disci's from the same breeder.

So If I add 3 more disci's I should hold them in a separate tank for how many days before introducing them to the tank Why does this even matter since they are going from a bag to a tank to another tank? a tank is a tank correct?

the 3 disci's I got from the breeder is are very young and 2 1/2 - 3 inches. He has 6 inch disci's as well where I bought this. Discusmadness.com I live close to there so I can drive there.

11-18-2013, 01:34 AM
Your tank is overstocked, so adding more discus is really not a good idea. 5 discus should be in at least a 55 gallon tank as a bare minimum. The discus that is turning light and dark is most likely stressed. You should quarantine for a minimum of 2 weeks, preferably 4 weeks. This very important as to not introduce disease into your tank. This is the time you observe your fish to watch for any signs of illness and treat appropriately before adding to your main tank. Water from the bag many times carries diseases and/ or parasites. So you should never put any water from the bag into your tank. Also, I wouldn't buy from discus madness either. If you are going to keep discus spend a little extra money so you get good quality discus... It's much more worth it in the long run. One more thing, since your tank is 36 gallons, I would do 80% water changes daily. You are definitely going to need a larger tank soon.

11-20-2013, 10:13 PM
Your tank is overstocked, so adding more discus is really not a good idea. 5 discus should be in at least a 55 gallon tank as a bare minimum. The discus that is turning light and dark is most likely stressed. You should quarantine for a minimum of 2 weeks, preferably 4 weeks. This very important as to not introduce disease into your tank. This is the time you observe your fish to watch for any signs of illness and treat appropriately before adding to your main tank. Water from the bag many times carries diseases and/ or parasites. So you should never put any water from the bag into your tank. Also, I wouldn't buy from discus madness either. If you are going to keep discus spend a little extra money so you get good quality discus... It's much more worth it in the long run. One more thing, since your tank is 36 gallons, I would do 80% water changes daily. You are definitely going to need a larger tank soon.

Thanks for the advice.

Why is discusmadness not good? I visited there and they seem to have a very good facility and the person seemed very knowledgeable He only breeds Discus's

here is the site: http://www.discusmadness.com/

Also doing 80% water change seems excessive. The water seems very clear and I use a very good canister filter Marineland C220 wich is over sized for this tank.

Is doing 30 - 40% water change every 3 days not enough? Fishes seems happier now that I took out the 2 discu's from the pet store that were stunted.

Any more advice? I plan on taking the two discus's back to the pet store for a refund or store credit. They should not be selling stunted pigeon discus's to anyone. The place that sold me these is this place: http://www.faunanyc.com/

Thank you