View Full Version : Help choosing aquascape

11-26-2013, 02:27 AM
I ordered a Mr. Aqua 48 gallon rimless aquarium over the weekend.i have done the whole biotope thing and liked it, but i have also been wanting to try a few plants for the first time. my delemma is what im wanting to stock, im wanting to either have a few angels and few wild discus and also cardinals. there are 2 really nice geo. jurupari i can get aswell, but not sure how i would go about doing plants with them, maybe one side plants around driftwood, and the rest sand? anyone have ideas or done lightly planted tanks with earth eaters? ive been looking at pictures of aquascapes for days now but cant decide on how to go about it.

OC Discus
11-26-2013, 03:03 AM
The stendeker website has links for aquascaping. There is also a section in the forum for planted tanks- lots of examples and discussions to follow or engage in. I would grow them out to adult size before adding plants to simplify water changes unless you buy adults to start? Many/most here will say don't mix angels- stick with corys, cardinals, rams, and a few others. There is a section for tankmates too. Angels are thought to carry a disease that discus get sick from.

11-26-2013, 03:11 AM
ive looked through the planted tank section, and havent really seen what im looking for in an example. the discus and angels will be fine, and i would be getting adult discus.

11-26-2013, 07:54 AM
For the number of discus you would need in order to keep them happy & aggression at a minimum (5-6 discus), a 48 gallon bare bottom aquarium is really too small for discus only. Adding other fish, substrate, plants and driftwood will reduce the water quantity even more. One adult discus per 10 gallons of water is a good average to ensure water quality and space to swim comfortably.

11-26-2013, 09:01 AM
Chris, don't want to rain on your parade but I totally agree with David (Taz)... it's not going to be big enough, boss.

OC Discus
11-26-2013, 11:28 AM
What about discus only with 5 and thin or no plants? That could work? That is the least # of discus you should get and the maximum load for that size tank without other fish.