View Full Version : Sick discus

12-02-2013, 05:48 AM
I have 4 discus. 3 4inch and a 5inch. The 5 inch and one of the 4 inch arnt very happy. They have white/clear stringy poop and mostly hide and are quite dark. Small one is quite thin. They do occasionally swim out and show there colour the little one especially at meal time eats heaps. Big one never realy eats. I did have another one with same symptoms he eventuly died. Other 2 are real happy eating and growing a good rate. I was suspecting something internal so have treated with kurusi wormer plus with no improvement and am half way through a treatment of prazi with no improvement if anything they are worse. I live in nz and it's quite hard the get anything else here. 55 gallon ph 7.8 50% 2 times a week w/c aged water. Just a new member so unable to post pics but will when Im able to.

12-02-2013, 06:10 AM

12-02-2013, 10:34 AM
I have the same case you are describing, white poop indicates parasitic infection. I raised the temp to 90F and gave them Metonidazole 500mg/10gal
They are improving in terms of their activity and colors but they still don't eat.

You can get metronidazol at any pharmacy, I read here that you can use Dimetronidazole available at Vet, which is water soluble an admin here reported it worked as good as metronidazole for him. I thin thats better than dissolving the tablets.

That said, this is my own experience, you may want to wait for someone more experienced to advise better.

12-02-2013, 10:41 AM
I raised the temp to 90F and gave them Metonidazole 500mg/10gal
They are improving in terms of their activity and colors but they still don't eat.

After few days of treat, if they don't eat your normal food, feed them blood worm or live food (live brine shrimp), they will eat

I didn't know that we can get Metronidazol at any Pharmacy

12-02-2013, 10:44 AM
That is my next problem I live in nz and we are unable to get metro here unless prescribed by a vet which is quite difficult I here. Anything else I can use? What does fruen 2 do?

12-02-2013, 10:53 AM
After few days of treat, if they don't eat your normal food, feed them blood worm or live food (live brine shrimp), they will eat

I didn't know that we can get Metronidazol at any Pharmacy

I currently live in Saudi Arabia here you can get it over the counter, the same in Egypt "my country"

I actually tried to feed them frozen live blood worms and frozen brine shrimp but show no intrest

12-02-2013, 12:00 PM
Feed them LIVE brine shrimp

12-02-2013, 01:37 PM
Feed them LIVE brine shrimp

The only live brine shrimp I can get is freshly hatched. Wont that be very small for the 4' fish?

12-02-2013, 05:22 PM
Can anyone help me with my questions?

12-02-2013, 05:58 PM
Most of us can easily get Metronidazol, and we know that Metronidazol is good to treat not eating discus, so I guess no one here use fruen 2

12-02-2013, 06:23 PM
One of mine still eats heaps and the other very little so I'm not to concerned bout that I'm more worried about the white/clear poop and they are starting to get skinny

12-02-2013, 06:28 PM
I'm more worried about the white/clear poop and they are starting to get skinny

Pinched Head.. and Skinny.. its too late to save them.. sorry..

12-02-2013, 06:35 PM
That is my next problem I live in nz and we are unable to get metro here unless prescribed by a vet which is quite difficult I here. Anything else I can use? What does fruen 2 do?

I live in Oz Metro not available either, Ebay is your best friend just got a second delivery from the States no problem.

12-02-2013, 07:04 PM
Furan 2 is good for gram neg. and gram positive bacteria. Try taking garlic crushed, one garlic whole crushed, steeped in very hot water about 8 oz. After it sets for 24 hours add tablespoon of juice one per ten gallons to water. This may help with the appetite. You may be able to bring him back to health, I had one which refused to eat for a month. Became paper thin, he is alive and fine today, although he is on another hunger strike, but this time he was not loosing weight. I discovered he has a liking for little endler fry. Nothing is good enough for him now. Give each medication, a week before trying a new medication. Metro works slow, continue with water changes 50% daily, continue with garlic tincture this will help his immune system.

12-02-2013, 09:25 PM
How does it go getting into the country? What brand do you use?

12-02-2013, 10:07 PM
How does it go getting into the country? What brand do you use?

Showed up in the mail both times took about 2 weeks, there is not much in each container so i bought 3 & some PraziPro because it is very expensive if you can find a product with the Prazi.


12-03-2013, 02:35 PM
While you are waiting for the Metro to arrive, you can try using an Epsom Salt solution to add to their food. It might help with the one who is eating.

For the Solution: Mix 1 tbsp. Epsom Salts to 2 cups of dechlorinated tap water. Stir or shake till dissolved. Soak foods in the solution (use an eye dropper to drop the solution onto the foods) for 5 minutes, then feed 3 times per day for no more than 5 days.

If they are refusing the food you can add a couple of drops of garlic juice to the container you are soaking the food in. Do NOT add it to the Epsom Salt solution jar! Just put it into the container where you are soaking the food prior to feedings.

The Epsom Salt solution in foods will knock back about 90% of any Hexamita or Spironucleus infections. Then you just follow up with Metro in the water column for 7-10 days.

Ohhh, if you are currently treating with Prazi, be sure to do a 200% water change prior to any other treatments!

12-03-2013, 04:20 PM
Thanks Magoo. Buying off eBay is my next option. My pregnant wife is Gona try get some off her midwife aparently it's used for something during pregnancy. Would this be the same thing used for fish? And I mite try ring round a few vets.

Adding Epsom salts to the food did work for one. I started adding it when I first noticed signs and one fully recoverd and is growing real fast. But unfortunately still hav 2 that are not happy.

12-03-2013, 07:51 PM
Thanks Magoo. Buying off eBay is my next option. My pregnant wife is Gona try get some off her midwife aparently it's used for something during pregnancy. Would this be the same thing used for fish? And I mite try ring round a few vets.

Adding Epsom salts to the food did work for one. I started adding it when I first noticed signs and one fully recoverd and is growing real fast. But unfortunately still hav 2 that are not happy.

I did get some Metro from a Vet the first time cost $25 for one treatment, I also found a product from Blue planet that had Prazi it cost $50 for 2 treatments, so thats when I checked out ebay.

12-04-2013, 01:42 AM
They have white/clear stringy poop and mostly hide and are quite dark. Small one is quite thin.

white poop indicates parasitic infection. I raised the temp to 90F and gave them Metonidazole 500mg/10gal
If you can't get Metonidazole raise the temp to 90 to 95F. If it's not to late the heat will kill the parasites.

If using Metonidazole the Discus must eat to be effective. The Discus will not absorb Metonidazole Also raising the heat raises there Metabolism and they might eat especially tempting them with live black worms, tubifex worms or live adult brine shrimp that gets the Metonidazole in there stomach and will kill the parasites (just like heat) like Skip said it might be to late.....Oh another thing is to force feed them the Metonidazole laced with food.

Rick M

12-04-2013, 12:17 PM
Hello, I'm no expert but try to do wc w/ age water everyday until the metro get there.

12-04-2013, 10:15 PM
My wife has managed to get some metro tablets 200mg. Just wondering what dosage and treatment plan I should be doing? Everywere I look tells me different amounts to use. My tank is 45 gallons.

12-08-2013, 09:27 PM
Can anyone tell me if what I'm doing is ok? My wife only managed to get 20 200mg tablets so use a 10 gallon as my qt tank add the 2 fish I suspect to be infected then had to add 1 more cos the other one wouldn't leave it alone and was stressing it out. So 3 fish total 1 5 inch 2 4 inch. Tank has internal filter with a rain bar so plenty of bubbles. Treat with 400mg metro once a day with 90% wc