View Full Version : Dead discus, could be three possible things - Questionare inclosed

12-04-2013, 06:28 PM
Last night while cleaning my tank I noticed a dead discus. One of my original 7 Stendkers bought from Don 2 months ago, sizes from 3 to 4 inches. The original 7 did very well until I got greedy and added a second batch of smaller discus from Don's second batch about 3 weeks ago. Here are the two things I think it could have been: 1. added the second batch or 2. added some driftwood and rocks from another tank that I had soaked in very hot tap water before adding.

What I know for sure is the little ones eat like pigs and the larger ones rarely eat, accept one. I have egg crate, should I divide the tank to allow the original 7 some space? I plan on raising the temp and doing more frequent water changes. I have salt that I have used in the past and some other medication but I can't remember it's name until I get back home. I will also post some pics and a video during feeding time for you to see what I am talking about. Thanks in advance.

My tank parameters are listed in my sig.

I change 50% of my water weekly but I am good about doing smaller changes if needed.

Tank has been running for around 5 years, it's bare bottom.

I will provide the Parameters once I can test and I use tap water

- temp __82___

- ph _____

- ammonia reading ____

- nitrite reading ____

- nitrate reading ____