View Full Version : Albino raising fry?

12-18-2013, 09:23 PM
Ok, so I have a Red Turq male and an albino Blue Diamond female. They lay every 4-5 days and I have artificially raised their fry from several batches. However, the fry grow WAY slower than when fry are raised by parents so I want this pair to raise their own from now on. This particular pair has laid about 15 times together and the female does not eat the eggs but the male still does every time. I have covered the eggs before but the male still eats them when they hatch. If I keep methaline blue in the water for shadow effect and lower the water level will the fry be able to see her? I divided her and the male with him on the other side of the divider where he can see her. If the fry become fully free swimming will he accept them if I remove the divider? What's the best approach to getting the fry on one or both of the parents? Thanks.

12-18-2013, 11:24 PM
No one can answer that question then your male, it all defends on him

Why don't you take him out after he finishes his job ?

OC Discus
12-19-2013, 12:36 AM
That is the next logical step.

12-19-2013, 02:10 PM
Male is not in there with her. She is watching the eggs herself. But she's albino so the fry won't atatch. There in lies my problem as stated above.

12-19-2013, 02:17 PM
If you lower the water to the top of the breeding cone, and cover the top of the tank about 2/3, that might help with attachment. If you feed live brine shrimp, a fine sponge filter (not coarse) might help as well. The BBS will get stuck on the sponge and the fry will possibly start eating from the sponge as well.

Maybe Chad (Sabres1) can chime in and help.

Chad Adams
12-19-2013, 05:04 PM
Ok, so I have a Red Turq male and an albino Blue Diamond female. They lay every 4-5 days and I have artificially raised their fry from several batches. However, the fry grow WAY slower than when fry are raised by parents so I want this pair to raise their own from now on.
I'm not sure if this is true. It should be, but with my experience "albino" fry just grow slower no matter what.

If I keep methaline blue in the water for shadow effect and lower the water level will the fry be able to see her? I divided her and the male with him on the other side of the divider where he can see her. If the fry become fully free swimming will he accept them if I remove the divider? What's the best approach to getting the fry on one or both of the parents? Thanks.

Some have used MB with success, I have not. It never helped me.

As has been stated the male may or may not accept the fry, my males have always accepted fry after separation but have never had one so intent on eating the eggs either.

Hopefully the sides of your tank are white and the silicone is clear colored. If possible to have tank borders(plastic) off before painting this will make a big difference. No lights!

Use only white air stone and no sponge filters. Hopefully you can use a silver or titanium heater. If your divider is made of egg crate that's perfect. You'll need to confine the parents into the smallest area possible. I barely give them room to turn around. After all are free swimming from cone, lower the water level to top of dorsal. If you have a black suction cup from an old heater attach it to the inside of the tank by the parents, this will help attract the fry to where the parents are. It's good to have some type of ambient light on the side of the tank with parents.

These are methods that have worked for me, but may not for others. Trial and error, Trial and error is all I can say. You're trying to stack the deck in your favor.

I would try without the male at first.


OC Discus
12-19-2013, 08:33 PM
After reading many of the threads on breeding albinos, I would agree with removing the male from the tank and insert a divider that keeps the fry and mother in the smallest possible area- about the size of a 10 gallon tall. If your tank is not painted, you can temporarily tape white poster board on the back and sides. The MBlue is also recommended by some for albino attachment. Also, remove (or cover) any other dark objects in the tank that would attract the fry- like sponge filter, heater, tubes. Cover with white nylon stockings or something similar.

There is a debate raging on sd now about salt. It does stimulate the slime coat. Has anyone ever tried using the slightest amount to help fry attach with albino parent?

12-20-2013, 04:53 PM
Great advice!

12-21-2013, 05:30 PM
I currently have a clutch of wrigglers attaching to albino parent, however I'm using blue led lights. Adding salt to increase the slime coat looks interesting, but i will never try that :)

After reading many of the threads on breeding albinos, I would agree with removing the male from the tank and insert a divider that keeps the fry and mother in the smallest possible area- about the size of a 10 gallon tall. If your tank is not painted, you can temporarily tape white poster board on the back and sides. The MBlue is also recommended by some for albino attachment. Also, remove (or cover) any other dark objects in the tank that would attract the fry- like sponge filter, heater, tubes. Cover with white nylon stockings or something similar.

There is a debate raging on sd now about salt. It does stimulate the slime coat. Has anyone ever tried using the slightest amount to help fry attach with albino parent?

12-21-2013, 09:33 PM
I currently have a clutch of wrigglers attaching to albino parent

but your story is different since your fry are not albino ...

12-21-2013, 11:02 PM
but your story is different since your fry are not albino ...

Is it?

I am confused........

Ok, so I have a Red Turq male and an albino Blue Diamond female.

These offspring would not be albino, the question as I understand it, is will they attach to the albino parent, not that the fry are albino's themselves. Unless I have missed something and the Red Turq is also an Albino??


this is what I recomend:

Step 1. Remove the male after the pair has spawned, see if the female will raise them on her own. I have seen fry attach to an albino parent without issue, and I have also seen the opposite.

Step 2. Seeing how you don't want to raise anymore via artificial means, get yourself a good foster pair. Problem solved.

12-21-2013, 11:29 PM
Is it?

I am confused........

Rick, sorry that I confused you ... Yes they're both intermediated fry try to attach to albino parent

12-22-2013, 09:42 PM
Thanks for the help, everyone. This is the first time i've ever delt with albino discus. I am trying something a little different but the same principle as some of the advice above. I took the pair out and put them in one of my 4 gallon ram fry tubs. If and when they spawn I will remove the male. Hopefully the fry will find momma no prob. There is algae growth on the sides of the inside of the tub but I'm thinking that this won't be a hindrance since the tub is so small?

12-22-2013, 10:01 PM
Thanks for the help, everyone. This is the first time i've ever delt with albino discus. I am trying something a little different but the same principle as some of the advice above. I took the pair out and put them in one of my 4 gallon ram fry tubs. If and when they spawn I will remove the male. Hopefully the fry will find momma no prob. There is algae growth on the sides of the inside of the rub but I'm thinking that this won't be a hindrance since the tub is so small?

12-22-2013, 10:11 PM
What? pairs in 4 gallon? OMG :mad:

12-22-2013, 11:14 PM
Yikes, this won't end well.

12-22-2013, 11:35 PM
Sure, but it's just temporary until the female gets the fry up a bit. Then I can put her back in another tank. I figure it's the same principle of the method listed above about making the females section smaller for the sake of the fry.

12-22-2013, 11:38 PM
I figure it's the same principle of the method listed above about making the females section smaller for the sake of the fry.

With the huge exception of total water volume. I would be suprised if they spawn in those conditions.

12-23-2013, 09:52 AM
Yeah, I wondered if they would even spawn in there. But so far they are eating from my hand like always and acting normal. Ill know within a few days. She's due to spawn today or tomorrow. It's just a test to see if the fry will stick. It's not a permanent home for her. I don't like albinos but I love this fish. I'm actually attatched to her, lol.

12-23-2013, 10:06 AM
They're in 4 gallon with breeding cone ... Guess they don't have room to do their thing :) so eggs will turn white ... Good luck!

12-23-2013, 03:56 PM
Thanks! Ill let you guys know how it goes. I also have tubs that have an over flow hole with netting siliconed over the hole. If this spawning is successful I will just put mom and fry in there that way the total water volume is large. As far as room...they have plenty of room to do their thing. I use a thin piece of tile that they spawn on. I don't have a spawning cone in the house.

12-23-2013, 08:20 PM
What happens if the pair all of a sudden doesnt get along? No were to run and hide, and things get ugly in a hurry. Really not worth the risk, much better way to approach things IMO.

12-24-2013, 09:42 AM
We'll see. If they don't get alone I'll take them out. So far they are doing great. I love to experiment.

12-29-2013, 11:14 AM
Ok guys, they finally did it. I removed the male out of the 4 gallon and left the female, threw in some methelyne blue and now hoping for the best. She is being a good mommy and fanning the eggs. She is milk white as she is an albino blue diamond. The tub has some dark algae on the sides which I should have removed before I even put them in there. Being as is, will the fry still find a white momma without problem in such a confined space or can the dark green sides of the tub hinder them finding her? Thanks again.

OC Discus
12-29-2013, 03:14 PM
Your probably breaking new ground with the 4g tub. Can you cover the sides and bottom with something white?