View Full Version : Oh No - lost 5 out 6 3" discus

12-26-2013, 06:05 PM
Have a 50 gal tank with 3 angels and what was 6 beautiful 3" discus. The tank has been operating well as a planted for about 2 months with absolutely no problems whatsoever. Made regular water changes, proper PH, 84 degrees. In the last 24 hours I notice the discus moving slowly and pointed up to the top of the water. Then one by one they died. I have taken the last discus and angel out and will be taking the tank down and starting afresh. Anyone have an idea what may have caused this?

Ocean 400

12-26-2013, 07:05 PM
Not enough info to go on. Your situation could have happened for many reasons. Fill out the disease questionaire, please.

12-26-2013, 07:54 PM
To start with that's to many fish in a 50 gallon tank since its planted,you could have grown out the six discus maybe with large daily water changes.Im sure others will chime in also if you want discus in a planted tank you need 4.5"and up to start but even at that 9 fish in a 50 gallon your on borrowed time.Also as stated above need more info.

12-26-2013, 08:44 PM
I've heard that gasping for air at the top is usually an oxygen problem, trying getting a big airstone and get that surface water gurgling; good luck.

12-26-2013, 08:45 PM
Your discus are small, if your angels are small then your numbers are fine. As your discus grow you will need to take out your angels. How many plants what kind of substrate? What size are the angles? 2 months=new tank, what kind of filtration and bio system are you using? What is your water parameters? You have a new tank and if you add fish in quantities you will get a mini cycle going. If you take out too much bacteria in the way of substrate cleaning, or cleaned your filter and killed some of your filter bacteria you will get a mini cycle. Check your water parameters. We are blind with out adequate information to make intelligent guesses. What if any was added recently?

12-26-2013, 09:45 PM
Did u dechlorinate ur water during wc

OC Discus
12-26-2013, 10:06 PM
Sorry for your loss. It is best to keep young discus in a bare bottom tank with maybe a thin layer of sand. Plants and thick substrates require much more experience and care, since they can be a breeding ground for bacteria and parasites that can harm the fish.

12-26-2013, 11:06 PM
Sorry to hear but I agree that your tank sounds like it was a bit over stocked. I have six adult discus all measuring about seven to eight inches each including two Jumbos that are huge. I have them in a bb 125 gallon. I also do a fifty percent water change five times a week. They only get fed twice a day. In starting over I would suggest that if you want a planted tank then get adults and in a fifty gallon tank you can only afford to have around four discus that are adult and with that you are in my opinion over crowding if you don't do water changes every day. Discus like being around other discus and with only four bullying will be an issue. Six in a larger tank is optimum with proper water changes. Planted tanks are beautiful but difficult to clean debris that is hidden in substrate. I'm sorry for your loss but rethink a planted tank with juvenile or sub adult discus.

12-26-2013, 11:35 PM
Quick die offs at one time.. water quality. ..

One dies.. weeks later another... illnesses

12-27-2013, 12:51 AM
Everyone that responded to my problem - thanks so much. Since I am rather new at working with discus I can see where I made a few mistake mostly because of my lack of experience. I have a 75 gal. tank so I can start over more slowly.


12-27-2013, 01:16 AM
With the limited information I have to agree with Skip, sudden (within 24hr period) illness sounds more like water issues.

12-27-2013, 01:46 PM
I also agree with Skip but with that many fish in such a small planted tank you don't have much room for error,so water quality can go from ok to deadly in a matter of hours

12-27-2013, 03:19 PM
I doubt it's a w/c issue, the OP said he had been maintaining w/c's. So I'd scratch that out. If I had to bet I'd put my money on a O2 issue or maybe maybe a uncycled tank. Sounds like a relatively new tank at two months operating, at two months the nitrogen cycle sounds just be complete. It also sounds like the OP is new to the discus hobby on that he was maintaining the "proper" PH. To the OP. Don't get down on yourself, like your wounds and do lots and lots of reading. Try to figure out why this happened, start small with the basics before moving on to a planted discus tank.................

12-27-2013, 03:27 PM
New tank of 2 months,

2 months=new tank, what kind of filtration and bio system are you using? What is your water parameters? You have a new tank and if you add fish in quantities you will get a mini cycle going. If you take out too much bacteria in the way of substrate cleaning, or cleaned your filter and killed some of your filter bacteria you will get a mini cycle. Check your water parameters