View Full Version : Nipping and pecking

01-02-2014, 09:29 PM
I have 6 2-3 in discus in a 55 gallon and 2 of them are always pecking at the others when they get to close. they will also go after the others and push them out of the way. How do I stop this behavior. I've also tried removing the biggest one for a day or 2 and put him in a qt but he doesn't stop

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OC Discus
01-02-2014, 10:15 PM
It is normal. Just feed enough so they all get plenty of food, several times per day, but don't let uneaten food stay on the bottom. Usually chasing is how the pecking order is established. The dominant fish wants to be sure the others know he is dominant. When feeding, he wants to be sure he gets all the food he wants. With girls, he wants to be sure he gets the girl(s) he wants, etc. It is nothing to worry about unless one stops eating or has physical injuries. Sometimes I think it is their way of playing too. Some just play more rough than the others. Usually the aggression will subside in a few weeks.

A few things you can do to help with this behavior:

Add a couple of large pieces of driftwood (real or artificial) for hiding places
Add a group of tetras to add a calming effect and reduce stress
Lower the temp to 82-84 to lower metabolism a bit.
Feed frequently- 4-5 times a day, enough so all the fish get all they want.
Keep water clean- frequent water changes.

How about some pictures?

I have 6 2-3 in discus in a 55 gallon and 2 of them are always pecking at the others when they get to close. they will also go after the others and push them out of the way. How do I stop this behavior. I've also tried removing the biggest one for a day or 2 and put him in a qt but he doesn't stop

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01-02-2014, 10:23 PM
Nothing u can do.. that's what happens when u buy juvenile fish...
don't bother adding tetras. breaking qt for dollar fish.. no bueno.
they will stop. Newbies jus aren't use to seeing it...and u learned removing don't stop it either..
.. as for messing with temps? That's first I ever hear that...my fish were at 84 when it started. .

01-02-2014, 10:33 PM
My temp is around 84-86 with water changes. They haven't hurt each other but I can tell that it does stress the other fish out. The weird thing is the biggest one (maybe 3 inch and a quarter) is one of the newest and he's "mean" to everyone. He's the only one I can tell may be a boy he's started to get pointed fins where everyone else's are still round

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OC Discus
01-02-2014, 10:37 PM
What other fish do you have with the discus? Temps around 89-90 can stimulate their metabolism. 82-86 is considered normal.

01-02-2014, 10:39 PM
I always spread food around and will even go up to the tank and the one bulling will go away but he will soon return

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01-02-2014, 10:40 PM
I had when get picked on.. was always hiding when not getting butt kicked by a bd...it eventually stopped.. and he ended up being the largest fish... never had problems between again..