View Full Version : Free Swimmers

01-04-2014, 05:55 PM
I have free swimmer today. When can I remove them from the parents and feed them brine shrimp and?

01-04-2014, 06:06 PM
you ll leave them with parents and feed bbs until big enough. I'll leave them with parents at least 1 month. Are parent fighting? I recommend go thru some stickies for more info.

congrats and have fun raising them,

01-04-2014, 10:11 PM
you ll leave them with parents and feed bbs until big enough. I'll leave them with parents at least 1 month. Are parent fighting? I recommend go thru some stickies for more info.

congrats and have fun raising them,

Yup,I leave them in atleast 3 weeks,and longer if not bothering parents.I feed bbs at day one,most do it at 3-5.As they get older,they will learn to eat the food you feed the parents.

Nick Klimkowski
01-04-2014, 11:41 PM
I agree i will not pull them from the pair until they are 3 weeks old or older, however i do not start to feed bbs until they are 5-6 days old

01-17-2014, 10:20 AM
I also delay feeding BBS for a couple of days after they become free swimming. I wonder if they are physically capable of eating the BBS when so small and newly free-swimming.
Barrons "Guide to Discus Fish" says after 4-5 days free swimming the new fry will begin to eat newly hatched BBS...

If you have any questions regarding how to harvest and feed the BBS, feel free to ask. :) Lots of people on here have done it and can guide you.

I do not remove from the parents until the parents start to show irritation towards the growing spawn (usually when they are 3-4 weeks old) But If they parents will tolerate them longer and are not showing wear and tear like tattered fins or damage to the body I will keep them together longer than that.

01-17-2014, 10:21 AM
Depending on the pair and the number of fry I usually pull the babies somewhere between day 10 and day 21.
