View Full Version : Incorporating new food into diet

01-11-2014, 08:30 AM
I am in the middle of incorporating Al's freeze-dried black worms into my discuses diet. I have 12 semi adult to adult discus and 125 gallon tank. I was feeding only live black worms. 11 of my discus took the freeze-dried black worms immediately. Of course there had to be one stubborn pig head in the group. It has been four days and he still will not accept the freeze-dried black worms. I have stopped the live black worms so I can incorporate the freeze-dried.My question is how long can I go and let this fish not eat since he is not accepting the freeze-dried black worms? Thanks-RJ😃

01-11-2014, 08:41 AM
Some discus can be stubborn, but eventually they will get hungry and eat. You can try raising the temp to about 88 degrees and see if that helps. Also, the morning is the best time to introduce new food as that is when they are the most hungry.

01-11-2014, 02:47 PM
Jeff covered everything I was thinking to say, other than asking if you are feeding them anything other than blackworms?

01-11-2014, 03:06 PM
Hi RJ.
An adult discus can easily go for days to weeks without eating or appearing to eat.., usually they come around on their own. A suggestion would be to feed only the Freeze Dried Blackworms a few days and see if the stubborn one comes around on its own....most likely it will. Peer pressure works well in a Discus tanks :) and since 11 are on board, sooner or latter this one will also.


01-11-2014, 04:25 PM
Yep,with 11 discus eating,eventually the 12th isnt going to want them getting all the food.I actually consider it a great sucess so far.11 out of 12?Time to go to Vegas!

01-11-2014, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the replies. Yes Al I am only going to feed the freeze-dried black worms until the 12th one comes around .they absolutely love them and I'm sure the 12th will come around .eventually I would like to get 70% of their diet freeze-dried black worms and the other 30% live black worms .just wondering how long they could go without eating .thanks for answering my question-RJ

01-11-2014, 05:36 PM
Keep it fdbw for atleast a few days to a week,and if you have to change it up,feed them in the morning when they are at thier hungriest.

01-11-2014, 05:47 PM
eventually I would like to get 70% of their diet freeze-dried black worms and the other 30% live black worms .They really need a diet with more variety than only blackworms.

Here is a good place to start (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?107105-Post-Your-favorite-food-feeding-routine-for-your-fish-here!) once 12 is eating.