View Full Version : Rigging up the Ehime Battery Powered Gravel Cleaner for bare bottom!

01-20-2014, 09:15 PM
Hi guys so as many of you would know the Ehime battery op gravel cleaner is a great asset to have but it has its downfall. One of which is that it has problems sucking up small debris and small detritus. So what I figured is if I decrease the size of the vacuum tube that would inturn increase the pressure of vacuuming creating a stronger current to pick up smaller items it use to miss. Tested it and it works like a charm I just took some hosing from lee's gravel cleaner and snipped of just enough to have it hang out about 3 inches so if I ever wanted to decrease the pressure for whatever reasons I could just grab the tube and pull and attach it to the small intake inside of the vacuum tube that comes with the ehime . It also allows me to do a focused cleaning in case I ever wanted to just clean a little spot in the tank. I might post up pictures later if I remember later. Any questions ask away Im not a pro but I will try my best.

01-23-2014, 12:59 AM
Hey, I'm also from NC! I too have had the Eheim Gravel Cleaner and I feel that it doesn't really clean the gravel as efficiently as I would like it to. So I actually looked on Youtube for a solid DIY Gravel Cleaner and I came upon this guy.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-liq_LhkAA

I ended up doing a similar setup as him, using a solid water bottle (don't use the filmsy water bottle) as my filter. I stuff as much filter as it can fit in the bottle, connected with tubing to a powerhead. The outflow of the powerhead I used a small cut of tubing with a smaller bottle (2nd filter) as the water flows out from the powerhead and back into my tank. After that I just do a 30% aged W/C. The ridiculous about of suction from the powerhead is awesome and cleans my gravel efficient as well!

01-26-2014, 10:00 PM
I do a BB so my setup is easier for me. If I had sand or substrate I think itd suck it right up and that guy has a nice idea too but I think since I already had an ehime i might as well use it.


Hey, I'm also from NC! I too have had the Eheim Gravel Cleaner and I feel that it doesn't really clean the gravel as efficiently as I would like it to. So I actually looked on Youtube for a solid DIY Gravel Cleaner and I came upon this guy.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-liq_LhkAA

I ended up doing a similar setup as him, using a solid water bottle (don't use the filmsy water bottle) as my filter. I stuff as much filter as it can fit in the bottle, connected with tubing to a powerhead. The outflow of the powerhead I used a small cut of tubing with a smaller bottle (2nd filter) as the water flows out from the powerhead and back into my tank. After that I just do a 30% aged W/C. The ridiculous about of suction from the powerhead is awesome and cleans my gravel efficient as well!

OC Discus
01-26-2014, 11:40 PM
I just got the eheim but havnt tried it yet. Does it work on a bb if you leave the gravel attachment off?

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OC Discus
01-26-2014, 11:41 PM
What is the hose attached to?

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01-27-2014, 08:42 AM
Please note that these Eheims use up their batteries quickly so if you think they are not working well replace the batteries.

01-27-2014, 08:47 AM
It should work on BB pretty easily. The Eheim does a nice job picking up the big poops, but the only issue for me is vacc'ing "gravel" where there are tremendous amounts of small particles leaking out of the Eheim filter.

01-27-2014, 07:59 PM
Yeah I just slip the gravel attachment off and Im actually using it on a bb so I can say it works amazing since my filter pushes all the debris to one area I can just vaccum that one spot in a couple of seconds and the hose isnt attached to anything its there to increase the suction

I just got the eheim but havnt tried it yet. Does it work on a bb if you leave the gravel attachment off?

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01-27-2014, 08:04 PM
There is that but also its been known that these dont have the suction power to pick up small debris and by doing this it allows you to pick up small debris. Unfortunately I dont have a tank with gravel so I have not tested it but Im sure if you use a bottle then you could probably clean gravel too

Please note that these Eheims use up their batteries quickly so if you think they are not working well replace the batteries.