View Full Version : Grow out tank placed at floor level?

01-21-2014, 01:36 AM
I'm going to grow out my young (1-2") in a 30 gallon barebottom before moving them into my planted display. My question is, if I put them on the bottom level of my stand, which is at floor level, will this negatively affect the personality of the discus and my relationship with them? I am the only one who enters the room regularly, and I will probably cover the tank when there are many people over.

Nick Klimkowski
01-21-2014, 09:36 AM
That should not be a problem all that they care about is who is bring them food.:D How many 1-2 in fish are you trying to grow out in a 30 gallon? Are you planning on doing daily water changes?

01-21-2014, 09:40 AM
Funny you should ask this question. I've been thinking about something similar. I've got some juvies that I'm growing out as well. After moving them to a tank which sits much lower/closer to the floor, their personality changed completely. They've been in the bigger, lower tank for a couple of months and they are still skittish. When they were higher, they were much more bold, they were the shameless beggers that discus fry should be. Granted, the tank is bigger too, but I'm beginning to think that what they are able to see makes a difference. There are seven of them and they went from a 10 gallon (when they were dime size) to a 40 gallon (after they had grown considerably). Yesterday I added some other fish to see if it made a difference--it did. I think having them that low might keep you from caring for them as you might in a more accessible tank too. Water changes might be harder and "watching them " (as we all do) will be as well. Since they will most likely be in that tank for a long time, eventually it might become out of sight, out of mind. You might not experience any of the things I did with my fish though. I'd try it, if you're not happy with how it's going then you can move them.

01-21-2014, 02:27 PM
Most here will tell you from experience that discus do not do well at floor level. They will be jumpy and skittish. Their instinct tells them that shadows from above are predators. Discus usually do best at eye level. If you have a low tank full of skittish discus, moving them to a higher tank almost always helps calm them down.

My vote is to skip putting them at floor level. Constantly stressed fish don't eat well and could end up sick. Both scenarios would be bad for the growth and development of young discus.

Chad Adams
01-21-2014, 02:35 PM
Two things:

My discus always do better at higher levels.

Seems to me large water changes will be tougher at lower levels, especially if you are using siphon. Not a good combo for grow-out tank.


01-21-2014, 07:11 PM
I have been reading your other thread with interest and based on that, here is what i would do if i were in your shoes. I would either: a) have a stand made whose inner dimensions are a little larger than your 50g display tank, that could then be placed over the 50g, and put the 30g on top. Once the discus are of sufficient size, they can then be put into the 50g, and the 30g could then be returned and the stand removed. Or b) i would transfer all the existing fish, plants and substrate to the 30g, placed on the lower level of the stand, and grow the discus out in the 50g bare bottom tank. Or c) Clear the 50g of all fish, plants and substrate and get rid of them. Grow the discus out. Then add everything else back if i decide to. JMO.


ps. Although i have never kept discus in a low tank, i have had other species in low tanks. They were always shy and skittish. I am currently having a stand made to raise the 20g in my kids room for this very reason.

01-22-2014, 12:31 AM
thanks, will not keep the grow out tank at floor level!

01-22-2014, 12:40 AM
Just to stir it up,most of my racks are double,putting a 40 breeder,75gal,20H,40L,65gal,135gal,20L,all at floor level.Ive been meaning to move the 20H,but haven't,because the pair spawned,at floor level.

01-22-2014, 12:46 AM
I guess for a breeding pair it wouldn't matter quite as much, since they are adults and ready to defend their young anyway. For growing juveniles which are always on the look out for predators however I think it would really affect their confidence growing up

01-22-2014, 01:01 AM
I guess for a breeding pair it wouldn't matter quite as much, since they are adults and ready to defend their young anyway. For growing juveniles which are always on the look out for predators however I think it would really affect their confidence growing up
The 75-65-and 135 were/are grow-outs.

01-22-2014, 01:26 AM
Did you notice any difference between the growouts at floor level and the higher up ones? Cos I'm not sure if i can find an eye level place for the 30 gallon grow-out. i was thinking if I did keep it at floor level, I could put some black paper on certain side of the tank so they'll only see me approach from a brightly lit area with their food

01-22-2014, 02:27 AM
Im not big one for covering the sides.All in all,Ive had no problems.One of my breedering tanks is right at the bottom of my stairs,high traffic.I belive,for the most part,the fish get used to it.Not always,but 95% of the time.Speaking from my experience.More people have chimed in to the contrary,use what you want.

01-22-2014, 06:39 AM
I have found they don't do well down low especially to grow. Adults I see as not being too bad but keep all mine above waist height and keep L pleco's in the bottom row.

01-24-2014, 09:56 AM
I'm not sure about behavior, but I agree with Chad on cleaning. I think it's a lot harder to clean even BB tanks due to it being hard to get a siphon going. I use pumps on my lower tanks but it's difficult to get the gunk out. I keep my 'other' fish in the bottom tanks (cories, plecos, shrimp, etc). I keep my Discus high not because of behavior but because of ease of cleaning.