View Full Version : Will this tank work for discus?

02-11-2014, 01:09 PM
Hi. I have a 75 gallon tall tank 36x18x25. Will this be ok for Discus? And how many? I'd like to start with adult discus. Thanks Melanie

Keith Perkins
02-11-2014, 01:18 PM
A 75 is an EXCELLENT size tank for discus, they really seem to like the 18" depth much more so than the 12" of a 55. Using the basic 10 gallon per adult fish guideline 7 or 8 discus would go nicely in that tank.

02-11-2014, 01:24 PM
That is a good size TO START WITH but if you are on SD get ready for possibly more and/or larger tanks.

02-11-2014, 01:58 PM
That tank actually holds 70 gallons. I don't think that the 36" length is the greatest, but I agree it's probably an ok place to start.

Keith Perkins
02-11-2014, 02:18 PM
It might actually even be a 65 gallon tank. Based on that I'd scale back to a half a dozen fish. To bad it's not a 75.

02-11-2014, 02:23 PM
A 75 gallon tank is 4 foot long.

02-11-2014, 02:48 PM
Based on the measurements, it comes out to 70.13 gallons. It's just not a common standard sized aquarium. I think there's a big difference in a standard 48" 75 and this tank even though it's only a 5 gallon difference.

02-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Sounds like a great start to me! Have at it! Full speed ahead! Oh, and if you get the bug, start looking for where to put that new 125 gallon tank you'll buy . . . LOL.

Keith Perkins
02-11-2014, 03:24 PM
Based on the measurements, it comes out to 70.13 gallons. It's just not a common standard sized aquarium. I think there's a big difference in a standard 48" 75 and this tank even though it's only a 5 gallon difference.

I'm thinking 65 based on Aqueon listing their 65 as having measurements of 36.4" x 18.4" x 25", but then again what's 5 gallons of water amongst friends.

02-11-2014, 05:48 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I mistyped that this morning on my iphone. When I was looking for another tank, I really wanted a 75. I guess subconsciously that stuck in my head. Thanks for reminding me. :-) But space wise, the dimensions work for me, so that's what I have to start with. I would also like to add a few other fish as I would be breaking down my small, planted tank. They are neon tetras and one male German Blue Ram named Magic Mike. I couldn't leave him behind.. Lol
I also have 3 very small hasbrosus cories. Sooo... Thinking 8 or 9 discus, a school of neons and a couple German Blue Rams. How would that work?

02-11-2014, 05:52 PM
Based on the measurements, it comes out to 70.13 gallons. It's just not a common standard sized aquarium. I think there's a big difference in a standard 48" 75 and this tank even though it's only a 5 gallon difference.
Thanks for the reply joanstone!! So do you think the difference in a reg 75 and this dimension 70 would not be good for some discus?

Keith Perkins
02-11-2014, 06:02 PM
8 or 9 discus plus other fish is very likely too many for a tank that's 65 or 70 gallons. It would be a lot safer to do a half dozen discus, it would give you more margin for error on WCs etc.

02-11-2014, 06:14 PM
I agree with Keith on the number of fish. It can be done, but I just think a 48" tank is much better than a 36" tank for fish the size of discus. Since you've already got the 36" tank, go for it!

02-12-2014, 09:40 AM
8 or 9 discus plus other fish is very likely too many for a tank that's 65 or 70 gallons. It would be a lot safer to do a half dozen discus, it would give you more margin for error on WCs etc.
Thanks CozyKeith. I'll stick to six of the Discus. :-)

02-12-2014, 09:42 AM
I agree with Keith on the number of fish. It can be done, but I just think a 48" tank is much better than a 36" tank for fish the size of discus. Since you've already got the 36" tank, go for it!
Yes, Wish I had found a 75, but we are space challenged and this is what works for now. Thanks for the help joanstone. I'll be sure not to overstock.