View Full Version : Transferring fish & Quality Fish Net?

02-22-2014, 08:00 AM
I recently transferred a pair from my community tank to there own (hopefully) Breeding tank. After doing so it appears the fish are very stressed. Is there a better way to transfer fish and also is there a net that someone could recommend? I found a old post where someone was recommending a Python net but it seems that the product is no longer available.
Thanks in advance.

02-22-2014, 08:15 AM
I have used a clear tuperware cantainer to scoop and move them. A shallow one about 2 inches deep and you use your hand to cover so they don't flop out.

02-22-2014, 08:18 AM

When you moved the fish was your water parameters the same? Sometimes a fluctuation in water can stress them a bit.

The softer the net the better. Some nets are made out of a stiffer nylon, some are not. I have read good reviews on Tetra Whisper SoftNet.

Here is what I use


02-22-2014, 09:03 AM
I filled the 55 gal tank with water out of the 120 and moved one of the six inch sponge filters from the community tanks as well. It may be that they went from a tank with sand/gravel and few plants artificial and live to a bare tank. I have turned down the lights and they do seem to be a little better today than they were yesterday. Thank for the net recommendation, that's one i was looking at.

02-22-2014, 09:09 AM
I like the concept as it would not wipe off any of the slime but i am not sure i could have caught them in a bowl, maybe in a smaller bare tank

02-22-2014, 09:37 AM
Mine are not as threatened by a clear object. Nice and easy.

02-22-2014, 09:54 AM
I do understand, Mine are from a LFS and seem to be very skittish. and have had lot of problems with all my LSF Discus. I was recently in Florida and took a tour of Marion's facility at FloridaDiscus, wow what a difference in the fish quality and disposition. My next purchase will most likely come from her.