View Full Version : California Drought... how does that affect your WC ???

02-27-2014, 05:17 PM
So I change water daily or every other day prob about 70 gallons per wc with all of my tanks a day and and I have a RO unit running all day so add more
has anyone tried to consolidate their tanks to accommodate the drought?

I am wondering what people in California are doing? I have not changed my wc routines yet .

At what point?

02-27-2014, 05:38 PM
I have turned off my sprinklers for about a month when I drain my 150gal tank I put a pump in it and water all my yard and pots, with my RO water the waist water is mixed with tap in storage tank 330 tote and that's what I use for the tanks TDS are about 485 to 525 so far no problems.


02-27-2014, 06:08 PM
I also reuse the water between all my tanks it's about 150 gallons and use it for the grass and plants and I have changed to 2 times a week instead of 4.

02-27-2014, 06:41 PM
I think it would be a good time to start testing (nitrates) before doing water changes and only change when needed. You may not need to be doing it every other day. It's going to be tight this year and if it doesn't rain next winter all bets are off. I quit a reef tank. There was just to much waste with the RO even though I using the waste in the yard. I live in Northern California and there's NOT going to be any lawn watering this summer.

02-27-2014, 07:39 PM
its an interesting topic for calif imo.... i will prob have to condolidate my tanks. I know the discus thrive with WC so we will see. I am for sure going to cutoff my ro unit.....

using reused water from another tank? ... hmmmm anyone else do that ?

02-27-2014, 07:47 PM
We can take baths is fish water? Smell like fish

02-27-2014, 07:54 PM
We can take baths is fish water? Smell like fish

im a discus freak but....... i would have to draw the line there lol

DC Discus
03-01-2014, 07:34 PM
All my water including RO waste goes to rain barrels for use in the garden. You can use a little prime to bind NH3 to go an extra day between water changes, but the easiest way to save water is to take 'Navy' showers (water rinse- water off - soap -water on - rinse off). Thus, you can stay in the lower tier of your water bill and have fishes!

I used evaporate salt water from my reef tank then dump the brine in the trash. Now I just have a 20gal reef since i can't reuse the water in my garden.