View Full Version : 40th Birthday Present !!!

03-27-2014, 07:52 AM
well i cant sleep ……..so i thought id start my birthday post a few days early :)

today should be arriving the most stunning pair of discus from Eric at Carolina discus and thats part one of my present for turning 40 - its all fish stuff i feel so excited !! thats one way to make a woman WANT to turn 40 LOL :jester:

part two is some more wilds for myself AND finally launching the 240g ( a bonus was its 10g bigger than i thought lol now the 80g sump brings it to 310 volume hurrah)

part three is some more blue scorps from Kenny In April !! :bounce2:

ok im going little nuts but i work hard i wont have a party or go out i have a dog training business its hard to leave :o

Eric got these discus from Forrest, hand picked and raised them into true beauties of course you all know why i cant sleep - SHIPPING STRESS :scared:

but i trust Eric's packing with my life and theirs ! we have some snow so its just a little hair raising because fed ex can have set backs, it happens but im so confident in his expertise its really more excitement than stress :)

he has really been an absolute darling man - supported me every single step and gave me all the info i craved and went above and beyond in his attention to detail. Thank you Eric :thumbsup:

i am new to breeding, i have raised fry but never bred them, never hatched any spawns. These guys may not spawn in my tanks but they are for sure a pair and i will enjoy them immensely.

so the question is - do i share pictures now of them before they were shipped to me just a few days ago?…… or wait until they are here and settled in which will be a while….ok your right it would be mean not to share ! !

but please tell me what you think?!!!!*

and thank you to those who told me where to go for a lovely blue scorpion pair ! i would be honored with any sponsor pairs these were the ones i saw that i fell in love with - boy we have GREAT sponsors, i cannot believe how amazing they are to work with.

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n214/Musicmarn/BSSselectpairmarch143.jpg (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Musicmarn/media/BSSselectpairmarch143.jpg.html)

http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n214/Musicmarn/BSSselectfemalemarch142.jpg (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Musicmarn/media/BSSselectfemalemarch142.jpg.html)

03-27-2014, 07:57 AM
is that his carnation snakeskin pair, if so, i saw that pair in person a while back. it had wrigglers I think. they were positively the most stunning pair of fish I have ever seen, wait a minute I have a picture on my phone of them, shall I post it??

03-27-2014, 07:58 AM
Stunning pair Marnie and advance birthday wishes!!!


03-27-2014, 07:59 AM
post it !! cant believe you went there in person how lucky :) it was the blue scorpion pair but i love his carnations too !! but wow any pics of his place would be super :) and i love that pair too !!

03-27-2014, 07:59 AM
Beautiful fish Marnie! Happy Birthday too. That huge tank will be so much fun for you to fill up.

03-27-2014, 08:17 AM
Very nice.


03-27-2014, 08:18 AM
post it !! cant believe you went there in person how lucky :) it was the blue scorpion pair but i love his carnations too !!
yea I live in Greensboro and went to pick out my first discus by hand. I spent probably 2 hours just walking around Eric's fish room amazed at all his discus, they were the first I had seen in person in my entire life. Eric was so patient with me and offered me more than enough advice he even gave me free food samples. Here are some pics I took while there, date was June 7th, 2013. I think yours are the middle picture when they were a much younger pair.

Second Hand Pat
03-27-2014, 09:11 AM
Nice Marnie and Happy early Birthday

03-27-2014, 09:23 AM
Wow!! Beautiful pair!! And Happy Birthday to you!!!

03-27-2014, 11:11 AM
Happy Birthday Marnie......early!

Lucky you to be getting such great presents!

Nick Klimkowski
03-27-2014, 11:55 AM
Very nice, happy early birthday.:D

03-27-2014, 04:52 PM

Carolina discus
03-27-2014, 08:58 PM
Thanks Marnie...
It was a pleasure dealing with you and I am releived they arrived with no issues....please keep me posted as they settle in...Happy Birthday again and THANK YOU!

Hey buddy, hope you have been well...the carnation SS's are still pumping out fry and look as good as ever!!!


03-27-2014, 09:37 PM
Eric your amazing !! i knew before they were here, just by the integrity and helpfulness from yourself that i was going to be happy…i was wrong. I am delirious !! you were not even sure if you were going to part with them and i am extremely fortunate you did.

Ok see those pictures up top!? doesn't even do them justice when they are settled ill post more but you just don't see the depth of color and glowing health that im seeing in front of me and thats my impression after shipping !!! they are STUNNING breath taking and far more than i deserve ;) im sure.

they acclimated well they were so well packed it was like getting a box from Kenny - they were packed by a total and utter pro, and more than that - Eric sent food they were used to AND a complete sponge filter set i was not expecting that level of care !! Eric checked the shipment hourly and fed ex who are never early - were this time ! it was snowing a tad and even yet i wasnt that stressed, they came from the other side of America practically but i knew that these fish would arrive well and well they did arrive.

they are calmly sailing around the tank, :fish: you can see they had a trip, they need some time to rest but they are calm not skittish and in good health. OMG the COLOR !!!!?!?!?!!!!! is stupendous, the pattern and shape are gorgeous. i have had a love affair with blue scorpions and snakeskin's for ages and now i own a PAIR of real beauties- which is just a treat beyond treats.

i have a really nice set up for them and will spare no amount of care on them - you can see the months of care put into them by Eric its totally clear the feedings and water changes and how friendly and interactive they are is only after many, many hours of hands on human care in a stress free environment.

My friend you have a client for life !

Keith Perkins
03-27-2014, 10:25 PM
Hope we're both here 10 years from now when you turn 50! Dang, talk about the birthday presents.

Eric is good to work with, no doubt about it. Then toss in that his fish come from Kenny and Forrest and what more can you ask for.

Enjoy your birthday...like I really had to say that. :)

03-27-2014, 10:29 PM
Happy Birthday Marnie. Enjoy your present -- they're very nice.

03-29-2014, 07:53 PM
:love:This pair are such piggies! Ill post pictures soon the color is outstanding and they are constantly at the front of the tank trying to mug me for food lol I was light on meals to recover them and boy am I in trouble! Lol the pattern on the female is outstanding im in heaven with this pair, truly.

So part two just got finalized with Kenny, 5 blue scorps and two select grade leopards, my first leopards! Well im spoiling myself and my husband is going to have a fit lol but my tanks are full no more room for tanks, got to make room for fry LOL :D

Just need few more wilds and im done.....promise:p

03-29-2014, 08:03 PM
Really really like that pair, congrats and happy birthday. What size are the blue scorpions from Kenny?

03-29-2014, 08:20 PM
thanks Discusdude ! 3 of the 5-5.5" blue spotted snakeskin, since they were blue blue blue which i love and then 2 of the small scorpions which i always passed by when looking but Kenny knows my taste better than i do and he said i would be very pleased with them so i had to !!


04-23-2014, 12:11 AM
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n214/Musicmarn/3d48455b-f831-45ce-9977-3bda020bb58f.jpg (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Musicmarn/media/3d48455b-f831-45ce-9977-3bda020bb58f.jpg.html)

my girl ! im so grateful for Eric giving me a pair that i love this much, thanks so much Eric, you rock !

04-23-2014, 01:06 AM
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n214/Musicmarn/3d48455b-f831-45ce-9977-3bda020bb58f.jpg (http://s113.photobucket.com/user/Musicmarn/media/3d48455b-f831-45ce-9977-3bda020bb58f.jpg.html)

my girl ! im so grateful for Eric giving me a pair that i love this much, thanks so much Eric, you rock !

Marnie! Before I ended up getting wilds I contacted Eric to see if he had any of these left as I'm a SS nutcase lol. I hope you have a ton of babies from these guys!


04-23-2014, 01:11 AM
Lol me too Brandon! On both counts :p.