View Full Version : First purchase from Kenny

03-29-2014, 09:50 PM
I just purchased my first Discus from Kenny's April shipment. I'm crazy excited and very nervous about how everything will go. They will be going into a well established 90 gal. planted tank ph - 8.0, kh - 7, nitrite ammon - 0, nitrate - 10(tap water is 20). Here's what I got
1- 5.5"mosaic turq.
1 - 5" leopard with ring gene(select)
1 - 5.5" classic leopard
1 - 4-4.5" blue diamond with deep blue gene
1 - 5-5.5" rafflesia

I will put pics on here of everything later.

03-29-2014, 09:55 PM
Congrats on your new acquisitions !!! Keep in mind, the best offense is the best defense. QT them first. PLEASE !!! It makes a world of difference.