View Full Version : pH drops from 8 to 7.4

04-01-2014, 11:05 AM
Hello everyone

I just got my API master test kit to replace the useless stripes.

My tap water is reading a pH of 8 and my aged/aquarium water is somewhere between 7.4 to 7.6

so this is a drop of .4 to .6 in pH but it is still above neutral pH. So is there any reason to age my water? would this drop affect my fish if I don't age?

The hardness changed from last week it was GH 4/ KH 2 and now it is GH2/KH2. I think for what i read this hardness is fine even for breeding.

What I do till now is mix cold/hot water out of the tap to match my tank temp and add it directly after adding the dose of prime to the tank. On some days i don't even have to add any hot water.

So the only concern here is the pH drop.

Another think i found confusing is that my RO unit did not droop my pH although it eliminated the swing and water comes out 7.4. When I expected it to be 6 or even 5.5, why do you think it doesn't drop?

04-01-2014, 11:11 AM
you have the opposite of what will hurt your fish. when your tap is higher than your tank you will be fine, ph burn only happens when you add water that is lower in ph than the tank. as long as you dechlorinate your water, I wouldn't age it at all.

04-01-2014, 01:45 PM
Thank you