View Full Version : Advice Needed! Help

04-02-2014, 11:35 AM
Hello Everyone! Not sure if I'm posting in the right spot i am new to this group so forgive if I'm not! I am a newbie to discus so i need some advice on my tank......

Here goes....

I have a 90 gallon black canopy freshwater tank, i set it up and filled on December 27th 2013. I have a heater for up to 100 gallons, two bubbler bars in the back of the tank, white sand (safe for freshwater from petco) and the fluval Fx6 and a super bright LED light (i think thats what it is called). Inside the canister is everything that came with it, bio rings, sponges, carbon bags. Im pretty aware of the cycle process and how it can be agonizing to wait it out, but i did and made sure i didn't put any fish in right away. Ive just left the tank alone and let it do its thing for a few weeks then i added 5 black fin tetras (Jan 20th) which have been fine since. Recently my tank became cloudy and started to grow green algae on the substrate and glass. I kept doing water changes every week and couldn't get rid of it. I ended up doing a large water change (about 60%) and sifted out the top layer of substrate rinsed it free of algae and dropped back it. Water seemed less green. Few days latter it started to get green again and i couldn't figure it out.... I ended up doing another water change (about 40%) and then did some research online and came across a lack of aeration thread. After my water change i pointed the output of my canister filter up towards the top of the water and in about 2 days water cleared up (no longer green) and no algae on the glass, theres a little bit on the sand but you can hardly tell. So its been about 2 weeks, and my water is cloudy. Not green just cloudy. Its not overly cloudy but its not crystal clear either. I went ahead and used my API master test kit and tested the water.






This was about a week ago when i tested it and those were the results. Not sure if it is the same today.... The tetras are still alive and eating fine. I feed them a few flakes a day. My lights are on for about 6 hours a day. I haven't planned on adding any fish because i feel its not right yet with it being cloudy and me just getting rid of the algae.... I was fine with waiting it out. I have NO decor in it because i can't figure out what i want to put inside. Well i worked late last night and i came home to a BEAUTIFUL HUGE (at least 7inch) blue discus!!! My boyfriend surprised me with it for my birthday which is in a few weeks. He said he always sees me looking at them so he thought it would be a nice surprise! Bless his heart lol! Little did he know i wasn't planning on putting ANYTHING in the tank until it was clear..... Poor man dosent know how sensitive these fish are either, or I'm sure he would have never gotten it. He knows nothing about keeping fish period. Ive always loved Discus and i always thought about having a Discus tank, but the thought of all the work and how sensitive they are has always scared me. I couldn't imagine killing something so beautiful on accident!...... He seems to be fine, he's very friendly and swims around swims right up to the glass to greet you. He ate last night and this morning (live black worms). Its 10:20am here and last i checked on him was at 5am before i left for work so lord only knows how he is now but he seemed good....... I would love to turn my tank into a Discus Haven and have a few more if all goes well here with Giant blue....

Do you guys have any advice on what i should do about my water being cloudy? I will re-check the stats tonight when i get home, Unfortunately I'm stuck working late tonight so it'll have to be latter on around 9pm.

Should i do a water change? If so how much?
Should i add or remove anything from the canister filter? i.e. carbon bio balls
Should i add anything to the tank? i.e. uv sterilizer?

I read so many different things from so many different sites it would be nice to have some real input on my situation.
Any advice and input will be greatly appreciated and i will try and respond to any info or questions as quick as i can.

Thank you all for taking the time to read :-D

04-02-2014, 12:44 PM
Usually algae production is caused by too much light. Your fixture may be too bright, if you only have it on 6 hours per day. You may want to cut that down to 4 hours, just when you want to view the fish. If your tank receives direct sunlight, that could make it worse.

Cloudy water is usually caused by too much food in the water, or else an algae bloom (green water). Some people try using carbon in their filters, although most discus keepers change so much water regularly that the water never gets cloudy, and so no need for carbon.

I assume you used pure ammonia to begin the cycle on your tank. If not, then I'm not sure your tank is cycled. You shouldn't have any ammonia readings at all. The only other suggestion I can give is to up your water changes. Good luck.

04-02-2014, 01:02 PM
I have found algae blooms is usually do to high nutrients in the water, algae spores are carried also by the water source. UV works well to get rid of the spores. If the spores are coming from the water source water changes will only temporarily help.

OC Discus
04-02-2014, 10:02 PM
Another possibility is bacteria bloom. Your tank developed a certain amount of nitrifying bacteria before you added the fish. Adding fish and feeding now creates excess ammonia ( seen on your test) leading to bacteria bloom.

Now with your new discus you should test water daily so ammonia or nitrite don't rise to toxic levels. One discus and a few small fish is not a huge load, unless you over feed.

Daily 50% water changes with prime May be necessary to safely cycle the tank. You can also add Tetra Safe Start (biospira) to speed up the cycle process. Try not to leave any unbeaten food in the tank more than 30 minutes. Also, as Don said, direct sun on the tank will stimulate green algae. Aim for zero sunlight on the tank.

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04-03-2014, 10:03 AM

Sorry about not replying, i had a interesting night at work:crazy: Any who. I ordered a uv sterilizer last night, and i also went out to pick one up just to use while I'm waiting for my other one to be shipped and received. I picked up some Seachem Prime and some water conditioner (tap has chlorine in it) went home, did a 25% water change and i also rinsed my canister filter out. I just drained it and swished the top and bottom filter pad in some tank water (hopefully i didn't mess anything up) they were pretty dirty and gross..... Installed the uv sterilizer and filled the tank back up with treated tap water. I haven't yet used the prime and I'm not sure if i should or not. Putting chemicals in kinda freaks me out. I rechecked the water levels before doing a water change.






Is where it should be?????????????????

My tank is located in my office and i have one window with black out curtains so theres not sun light at all in the room. I never open the blinds either. I don't think algae is a problem anymore, it looks like its pretty much gone.......

Do i really have to go through the cycle process again? I thought i would be fine by now its been almost 4 months since setting the tank up.

Do you guys recommended i leave it be and let it do its thing? 50% water change and add prime? What should my next steps be?

Thanks for the time guys!

OC Discus
04-03-2014, 10:15 AM
Prime is a recommended part of every water change- it is a water conditioner that removes chlorine and neutralizes ammonia and nitrite for 24 hours- it is the conditioner of choice.

When your tank is fully cycled you should have 0 ammonia and nitrite. It can rise quickly and become toxic if the tank is not fully cycled. If you can't do the daily wc the tetra safe start will speed up the cycle by consuming ammonia and nitrite. It will quickly colonize your filters and surfaces.

Also, you said filter media looks bad. This will contribute to ammonia and nitrite- needs to be kept clean.

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04-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Prime is a recommended part of every water change- it is a water conditioner that removes chlorine and neutralizes ammonia and nitrite for 24 hours- it is the conditioner of choice.

When your tank is fully cycled you should have 0 ammonia and nitrite. It can rise quickly and become toxic if the tank is not fully cycled. If you can't do the daily wc the tetra safe start will speed up the cycle by consuming ammonia and nitrite. It will quickly colonize your filters and surfaces.

Also, you said filter media looks bad. This will contribute to ammonia and nitrite- needs to be kept clean.

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Ok so prime will be my choice from now on!
My nitrites are still 0 and at one time my ammonia was 0 as well. Then when it got cloudy and full of algae is when the ammonia went up.
When should I do another water change and how much? Also how often should I clean my canister filter?

Ps I can do daily water changes! How much should I do and should I add prime every day after a water change?

04-03-2014, 11:06 AM
Add Prime with every water change if there is chlorine in your tap water. You appear to have adult Discus so once your tank has settled down 50% change 3X weekly is good. If you are raising small Discus larger changes daily would be good.

04-03-2014, 11:15 AM
Add Prime with every water change if there is chlorine in your tap water. You appear to have adult Discus so once your tank has settled down 50% change 3X weekly is good. If you are raising small Discus larger changes daily would be good.

I did a 25% last night around 1030pm should I do a 50% tonight using prime?

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OC Discus
04-03-2014, 12:30 PM
Your bio load is small right now. Elliots suggested 3x per week. As long as ammonia and nitrite are staying at 0 that should be fine.

About the cloudiness, if it is a bacterial bloom (white, not green), it will resolve itself in a day or two. The beneficial bacteria are multiplying to handle your bio load and will settle on the surfaces and filter media. Best to let it settle itself if ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate 10 or less. The canister should be cleaned anywhere from weekly to monthly, depending on your load. As long as you have good flow, and parameters are good, judge for yourself. You don't want to disturb the bio rings very often. Maybe every few months rinse in a bucket of tank water if they look dark or clogged up. With your current load, the floss or sponge can probably go 2-4 weeks without being replaced. If you have spare floss, you can rinse it good in hot water, bleach it over night in a 2-1 solution (2 parts water to 1 part bleach), then rinse it good with hot water and soak it in a prime solution ( 1 cap and enough water to cover the floss). Just let it soak until ready to use it, then repeat the process on the dirty one. This cuts down on cost and allows you to change them more often. I am cleaning my canister weekly, but I have six discus in 55 g and have no bio media in it. I have a micron filter and 400 litres of purigen in my canister. The micron filter has to be bleached weekly to maintain flow and the purigen has to be bleached about every three weeks. Weekly I flush everything with hot water, including the impeller, wipe out the housing, and put in a clean micron filter. I have bio sponges in two other filters that also get clean floss weekly. When you max out your tank with 9 discus, you will probably need to service your canister weekly also to keep the water pristine.

04-03-2014, 01:15 PM
Wow OC, may I ask why you dont have bio media in your filter? I am currently shopping around and they all have a long lifespan. The reason I ask is bc I am currently shopping around for bio media for a canister filter and curious with your reasoning from your experience.


OC Discus
04-03-2014, 04:52 PM
I have two hang on back filters made for the tank that have bio media. I'm using my canister as a purigen reactor and micron filter- no space for more media. The purigen removes ammonia and nitrite, reducing the bio load.

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04-03-2014, 11:35 PM
The purigen removes ammonia and nitrite,

no it does not. it removes organic matter that may otherwise break down into ammonia. It will not remove ammonia once ammonia is present.

04-04-2014, 08:26 AM

Well not sure if it was the water changes, the prime, cleaning the filter the uv sterilizer or all of the above but my tank is looking like a good tank should! It's pretty dang clear! I did a 50% water change last night. I read that using prime alters the ammonia reading on your test kit. Is this accurate? Seachem recommend a certain one to use while using prime. My lfs has it but they close at 5pm so I'll have to pick it up tomorrow if I need it.

Giant blue hasn't ate for 2 days. He's kinda just hiding by the filter input. He looks good though, gills look fine, eyes look perfect, no clamped fins. He seems like he scared. I tried this morning to feed him with the tank lights off but he still wouldn't eat. Any advice?

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OC Discus
04-04-2014, 08:30 PM
Glad the tank is looking better. Give the fish a few days to get over the changes and get used to frequent water changes.

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04-04-2014, 08:42 PM
Glad the tank is looking better. Give the fish a few days to get over the changes and get used to frequent water changes.

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It looks even better tonight!!!! He will be ok without food?!?!? I think it might have a bit to do with my filter output also. It's pretty strong so I moved it around and about a hour latter I noticed he had moved from the back to the front of the tank. Thinking about doing a spray bar hopefully that'll help even more!

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04-04-2014, 09:31 PM
I would also put a sponge over the intake of your canister filter. This will help your media from getting clogged with gunk. Also be sure to add the recommended prime amt for the total tank volume not just the amt of water replacing if you're adding prime directly to the tank.

04-04-2014, 09:38 PM
I would also put a sponge over the intake of your canister filter. This will help your media from getting clogged with gunk. Also be sure to add the recommended prime amt for the total tank volume not just the amt of water replacing if you're adding prime directly to the tank.

A sponge? Where can I get the right kind? I did read on the bottle about the adding the correct prime so I've been doing it for the total tank volume. Do you have any recommendations on a spray bar? I believe I'll have to make my own. Any special length?
Thank you so much everyone for all the advice I've been receiving! It's much appreciated!

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04-04-2014, 09:46 PM

He has swam across the tank 4 times since I've adjusted the filter output and turned off the light putting on the "moon light" (office light is on as well) will he be ok with no bright tank light for awhile?

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OC Discus
04-04-2014, 10:02 PM
He should start to eat within a few days if he's not sick. Try small pinches of blood worms.

It looks even better tonight!!!! He will be ok without food?!?!? I think it might have a bit to do with my filter output also. It's pretty strong so I moved it around and about a hour latter I noticed he had moved from the back to the front of the tank. Thinking about doing a spray bar hopefully that'll help even more!

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04-09-2014, 09:47 AM
UPDATE: (if anyone was wondering lol)

Tank is looking GREAT!!! It's still a little cloudy when I look through from the sides but overall it looks 100 times better! All testing is normal and 0 ammonia!!!!!!!
I've been doing 50% water changes 3 times a week using prime!
Goliath (discus lol) is eating and doing great!!!! My boyfriend has fed him a few times and he's now recognizing him as his feeder! He's swims right out and up to the front of the tank when he walks in the room. He hides when I walk in lol! But so far so good! Thanks to everyone for the advice and taking time to help me!


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04-09-2014, 10:35 AM
Nice looking cobalt. You should consider adding another 3 or 4 discus at least since discus are shoaling fish and like being in a group.

You can add Purigen to your filter it will make a big difference in the clarity of your water.

also make sure you add prime after you drain your water and before you add new water. So it Chlorine gets neutralized as it's being added

UPDATE: (if anyone was wondering lol)

Tank is looking GREAT!!! It's still a little cloudy when I look through from the sides but overall it looks 100 times better! All testing is normal and 0 ammonia!!!!!!!
I've been doing 50% water changes 3 times a week using prime!
Goliath (discus lol) is eating and doing great!!!! My boyfriend has fed him a few times and he's now recognizing him as his feeder! He's swims right out and up to the front of the tank when he walks in the room. He hides when I walk in lol! But so far so good! Thanks to everyone for the advice and taking time to help me!


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OC Discus
04-09-2014, 12:24 PM
Good looking fish. Keep it up.

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