View Full Version : Discus on dates

04-05-2014, 11:28 AM
We'll..... I am no nutrition expert. I keep popping some fruits and veggies in my tank. And most of them go untouched. I got my hands on a box of dates last week. I love them! They are soft, sweet, and nutritious. So today I decided to stick some of it to my finger and put it in the tank.... And I got an unexpected reaction! All my fish began nibbling at the dates... And finished it off in no time. So I stuck another piece in... And that was gone too! Here is the nutritional value from the usda website http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/2498
Seems a lot of stuff in them... Of course I am not looking for a substitute for protein.... But once a while to pop it in... May be if I make some food myself.... Add them in.?
Any comments?

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