View Full Version : Hi guys Been a while

04-10-2014, 03:11 PM
Hi all.Ive been off the site a while as ive been busy with baby.Some of you have seen pics of my tank and fish from when i started keeping discus less than a year ago.(didnt have a clue then but have tried to take advise given to me on the forum.im posting a series of pics to show how its picked up since i started)Now no longer a 2 foot tank but a 4 foot tank still bare bottom but some drift wood added.sorry for the crappy pics but was taken with a phone) here are some of the tank then will post additional pics of fish.

04-10-2014, 03:17 PM
Ill start with the small discus in my tank ranging from 7cm to 8cm.the 2 cobolts 1 blue diamond and 1 red turk.

04-10-2014, 03:21 PM
The Large checkerboards 12 to 14cm.some of you saw pics of them as babies.lovely fish in my eyes

04-10-2014, 03:23 PM
My favorite large red turk Delta 14cm

04-10-2014, 03:24 PM
Bloodworms WOHOO.Bad light though sorry

04-10-2014, 04:42 PM
I am by far no expert but I do have some rather large discus from some of the great suppliers on this site and to me, most, if not all of your fish look stunted and or odly shaped. You stated that you began a year ago... your fish look rather small for that time frame...

Just being honest, when I 1st started I stunted a few fish that I still have so I know the difference 1st hand...

I Am sure some of the great experts here will chime in and help you but to my novice eye they look that way...

04-10-2014, 07:49 PM
I'd like to just say nice checkerboard colors and red turq is pretty. Thanks for sharing your pics. Always nice to see other peoples set ups and fish.

04-10-2014, 08:27 PM
I'd like to just say nice checkerboard colors and red turq is pretty. Thanks for sharing your pics. Always nice to see other peoples set ups and fish.

Thanks for sharing... I agree with frylover.

04-11-2014, 08:30 AM
hi there all,
it's quintin's wife here,
to philly most of the fish are still babies which he saved because my suppliers sent us fish that were in teriable shape (close to dieing) only the 3 big ones are the fish he started with
i wont say the small ones are stunted as yet because they all under 6month old, next time ask for the fishes age before say they stunted as if its someone who just got in the hobby they might just give up the hobby

(dont think im fighting with you but i get upset with people when they say a fish is stunted not knowing its age and all the facts)
kind regards
protective wife

04-11-2014, 11:14 AM
All comments are appreciated.Just keep in mind Suppliers in South Africa (not breeders) sell less than perfect discus.The small fish were fish that were supposed to be culled as they couldnt even keep themselves uprite on thier own.Did not have the heart to kill them and dont want to sell bad fish to customers so i kept them.I agree some of my fish are stunted but thats not why i posted the pics.im just sharing.still appreciate all comments.And will keep posting pics of my fish whether they stunted or not.

04-11-2014, 11:17 AM
Can second hand pat and victoria also chip in here please as i know you have many years of experience.And cant remember who gave me griev about my tank when i just started, ( I DONT HAVE CLOWN PUKE PEBBLES ANYMORE) LOL

04-11-2014, 12:54 PM
Red turq is my favorite too. You'll be happy with BB and easy water changes/maintemance. also love husband and wife team up to save and take those discus.
I know it's hard to find discus in your area, so have fun and enjoy!!!!


04-11-2014, 02:20 PM
I am by far no expert but I do have some rather large discus from some of the great suppliers on this site and to me, most, if not all of your fish look stunted and or odly shaped. You stated that you began a year ago... your fish look rather small for that time frame...

Just being honest, when I 1st started I stunted a few fish that I still have so I know the difference 1st hand...

I Am sure some of the great experts here will chime in and help you but to my novice eye they look that way... Phil, I think that we all need to get more info when someone is simply sharing their experience with discus. All of us are not as fortunate to be able to afford great breeders and importers. Some people live in remote areas or don't have the resources to get good discus. With that said I must say, knowing all the circumstances, I admire the desire to save the discus from this husband and wife and considering what they were sold they have done a marvelous job of growing out the discus pictured. Congrats to Quintin.

04-11-2014, 05:42 PM
I will say I am not an expert and not a breeder. I don't cull fish either, unless they are suffering.
But thank you for sharing from your part of the world!! I am glad you enjoy your discus and the hobby.


04-12-2014, 02:27 PM
thank you everybody.the discus bring me great joy.i can sit and watch them for hours.

Second Hand Pat
04-12-2014, 04:04 PM
Can second hand pat and victoria also chip in here please as i know you have many years of experience.And cant remember who gave me griev about my tank when i just started, ( I DONT HAVE CLOWN PUKE PEBBLES ANYMORE) LOL

Hi Quintin, you guys keep on doing what you are doing and growing them out to your best ability. I am no expert and mostly I keep wild discus but it looks like you are doing well with the fish you have.
Take care,

04-12-2014, 04:15 PM
Thanks.keeping wilds must be a differant experience alltogether.and i have seen pics of ur fish.they are great.didnt you even tint ur water at one point.

Second Hand Pat
04-12-2014, 04:22 PM
Thanks.keeping wilds must be a differant experience alltogether.and i have seen pics of ur fish.they are great.didnt you even tint ur water at one point.

I did and use Rooibos tea to tint the water. Here's a thread with how the fish look...http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?110344-What-do-you-think-Too-Dark&highlight=Dark

04-12-2014, 04:23 PM
I just tried calculating.my largeish turk is about one year old now.Im attaching a pic of what he used to look like.what age would you rate him then.(lets say he wasnt stunted when i got him)And ull see my first tank ever.didnt have a clue what i was doing.with her friend dante who tragically passsed a while back.think its a girl.top fins cross her tail top and bottom

04-12-2014, 04:25 PM
she used to be the size of a small pot plant now nice and plumpy

04-12-2014, 04:27 PM
i really envy ur fish pat.is it safe to tint the water with domesticated discus.would like to try it.

arron schofield
04-12-2014, 04:29 PM
Nice red turq got one myself keep up good work thumbup :-)

Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

Second Hand Pat
04-12-2014, 04:31 PM
Quintin, I do not see why not. Just a little at a time. You may not like the tinting after you see it.

04-12-2014, 04:46 PM
i think ill try with the next water change tommorow.im posting some pics of fish that came my way today.prime example of the stuff they send to my wifes shop on a good day.the pigeon blood was advertised as 6cm and the baby turks were 5cm.they not too great rite now but i jacked them for myself and gonna see how it goes.im really liking the discus hobby.will post more pics over time to show thier progress.whether good or bad.sorry again for the bad pics.i had just recieved them at the time after a 8hour road trip.

04-20-2014, 01:01 PM
Quintin's new arrivels;)

04-21-2014, 02:11 PM
Small update.i added some drifting grass type plant to my tank today.my discus seem to love it asspecialy the smaller ones as they can hide at the top when the larger discus are bieng mean to each other.Here are some pics

04-25-2014, 03:31 PM



04-27-2014, 02:31 PM
New Discus.My wife bought me a surprise home today.A 13cm Blue Cobolt.He was beeing sold by sumone as a blue diamond.Id say he was a Blue Cobolt or part albino hes gone from dark blue with the black lines to extremely lite with one bar over the eyes.Let me know ur thoughts on this as i belive ive heard blue diamonds have the bars bred out of them completely.I myself love Cobolts and am over the moon today.IMy wife bought him for R250 ($25).Here are some pictures.he gt nice red eyes too.I put the quarintine tank nex to the main tank.the other discus all checking him out they seem to like him allready.Any idea on whether it male or female.Please advice

05-21-2014, 01:56 PM
Sorry, I forgot about my post here and just got back to reading it all...

Not really sure why the gang-up or assumption that my original post was meant to be mean or rude in anyway. I clearly stated that I am no expert and I do have experience with sick or stunted fish. I also never said that you were a bad fishowner or should cull your fish. I simply stated my opinion of what I saw based on the pics and time frame. I think it is a noble thing what you did to save the fish and I understand your options in your part of the world are slim.

That being said, again I didn't think it was so terrible to state what I saw and I even asked or the "experts" to chime in to correct me if I was wrong...

People can see beauty in all different things...

06-07-2014, 03:53 PM
New arrivals.babies 2 hours in tank and 1 new sub adult.Please give feedback