View Full Version : Marc Weiss Words - Food Recipe

04-12-2014, 04:33 PM
Hello everyone!!! just wanted to share this awesome video with you all, it was put together by Ivan Mikolji, we all seen his great videos of natural aquaescape setups. He also has a great series going on "the fish guys expeditions" check out his channel tons of great footage and info.

the reason i am posting this under "Foods and Nutrition" is because a large section of the video is about foods information and his very own food recipe!!!


Now i have a question, why are must of us here using BH instead of Liver or a sea food mix???

Forward to 3:43 where he talks about "Beef Heart"

Larry Bugg
04-12-2014, 05:28 PM
Well if you take everything Marc says as fact then it is a good question. First though you have to decide if that is your belief.

04-12-2014, 06:55 PM
Well Marc has made a living selling bogus products and misleading people so I would not put too much weight in his thoughts. They are almost always directed into how he can make a buck.


04-12-2014, 07:06 PM
Hi Larry and thanks for the reply to the thread! there's a vast of information out on the web about these topic, and is all mix opinions and since i'm no nutrition expert i tend to rely on what must people with hand on experience (including you're self) and many other here have to say. I am new to DS but i been lurking around here for quite a bit now, love reading this forums tons of great info!!! Now about Marc's words or opinions depending how we may view them, I would like to say im very intrigue on his believes and would like to try his ways.

please i would like to know for us to share our opinions on why must of us here prefer BH over Liver or a Sea Food Mix? is this because price, time required to prep, nutrition value, ect. I know this a very talk about topic and sorry for bring it up AGAIN

- Alfredo