View Full Version : Fry on Sponge...HELP

04-18-2014, 12:45 PM
Hello all I have read through the forum looking for a solution to my problem but I am still a bit unsure of what action to take. My question is, how do I get my fry off of the sponge. Yesterday my wigglers were showing signs of becoming free swimming by coming off the cone every now and then, but it was only a few and I figured this morning when I woke up I would lower the water level and remove the sponge. Well I think I waited too long. The fry are all now attached to the sponge and I lowered the water level and some are attaching to the parents, but the parents keep putting them back on the sponge. Should I remove the sponge and try to shake the fry off, or should I wait it out and see if the fry leave the sponge, or if the parents move them, and then remove the sponge? Any and all advice is appreciated, and this is my first successful spawn!

Keith Perkins
04-18-2014, 01:09 PM
Personally, I suggested taking a deep breath and leaving things alone. Fry are not at all easy to remove from a sponge filter and you'll likely end up losing a bunch if you try. Hopefully within a day most of them and the parents will get with the program and you'll have proper attachment. If not you'll likely have another batch within a week anyway. Once they start and get as far as yours have it's normally only a matter of time.

04-18-2014, 01:18 PM
Thanks for the response and the reassurance. The situation is just nerve wrecking considering this is my first large batch of fry. Hopefully they will find the parents soon.

04-18-2014, 02:02 PM
It is fairly normal for the pair to move the babies to a sponge. Like Keith said just take a deep breath.....LOL.


04-18-2014, 04:59 PM
If they're attached to the sponge then wait it out. They will swim away eventually, but will always be attracted to the sponge because it's black (assuming your sponge is black). What I've done in the past is to cover the sponge inside white nylon stocking type material. I've never had frys attracted to the white color after doing this. This way I don't have to remove the filtration from the tank. Hope this helps, it has worked for me in the past.

Keith Perkins
04-18-2014, 06:47 PM
If they're attached to the sponge then wait it out. They will swim away eventually, but will always be attracted to the sponge because it's black (assuming your sponge is black). What I've done in the past is to cover the sponge inside white nylon stocking type material. I've never had frys attracted to the white color after doing this. This way I don't have to remove the filtration from the tank. Hope this helps, it has worked for me in the past.

While this is true with some fry, it's definitely not always the case. Not sure if it's the parents or the batches of fry, but some attach quickly and constantly hang tight until they outgrow the need.