View Full Version : Breeding Discus

04-20-2014, 11:34 PM
It's been a while since I've posted. I'll send some pictures of my Discus later this week. My Show tank has 11 heathy adult Discus among other peaceful SA species.

I'll be joining the NADA this week and planning to attend conference in Austin this summer. My question is optimum tank setup for breeding discus. I'm going to setup a breeding tank this summer. My community Discus breed all the time but never generate results. John was right so I'd like to learn how and setup a separate tank just for breeding and raising fry.

04-21-2014, 08:17 AM
One other question is growth duration before separating from parents.

04-21-2014, 08:26 AM
Personally I prefer a 29 gallon tank, with a heater, and a sponge filter. Nothing else. I have pulled fry as early as 10 days and as late as several months. For me it depends a lot on how the parents react. Almost all pairs will bicker a little but if you get a pair that gets to fighting a lot I pull the fry at a younger age. Looking forward to talking fish at NADA.


04-21-2014, 09:44 AM
Personally I prefer a 29 gallon tank, with a heater, and a sponge filter. Nothing else. I have pulled fry as early as 10 days and as late as several months. For me it depends a lot on how the parents react. Almost all pairs will bicker a little but if you get a pair that gets to fighting a lot I pull the fry at a younger age. Looking forward to talking fish at NADA.


Same here