View Full Version : Two side braces instead of three with center brace?

04-21-2014, 01:14 PM
I have an Akvastabil Move 360 liter (ca. 95 gallon) and was just looking at the instruction manual for setting up the aquarium.

The measurements are 130 cm x 50 cm x 55 cm, 1 cm thick glass on the sides.

I noticed that for the set-up of my model there should be three braces and not just two, like it was supplied from the LFS.

One of the reasons why I liked this model was that I can just move the light on the braces and this makes a lot of space to work inside the aquarium.

I am not noticing considerable bending of the glass - it's about 5 mm wider in the center than on the sides.

But now I am wondering if these two braces are enough, or if I should have had a center brace as well?

I have the parts for a center brace, but I cannot insert the last support for the center brace on the front rail. This should have been done when the aquarium was made, now it is all sealed up.

Do you think it will hold? Should I go to the LFS and complain..?


04-21-2014, 01:53 PM
I checked out the glass safety factor with the Glass Safety Factor Calculator:


The safety factor of the panel glass (Height 550 mm / Length 1300 mm / Thickness 10 mm) is calculated to be 3,6.

However, the distance between the two braces in the middle part is 75 cm.

So I am wondering if I am thinking correctly if this would show the real safety factor (since there are already two braces there). The the safety factor would be (Height 550 mm / Length 750 mm / Thickness 10 mm) = 7,2.

Which should be well good.

Am I right in this thinking..?

04-21-2014, 03:46 PM
I am no expert on this topic. Did you buy the tank new? How long has it been filled? Those are important considerations. I think 5mm is a lot of movement but I can easily be wrong. I would find out what is happening with the 5MM before I purchase Discus or any expensive fish in case your tank is seperating.

04-29-2014, 08:22 AM
Talk to the people who built the tank.

04-30-2014, 01:25 PM
Thank you for your feedback.

During this past week I have communicated with the factory manager at Akvastabil in Denmark. They have been very fast and service-minded in their communication! :)

In my first letter I asked whether the aquarium was supposed to have 2 or 3 braces and informed that I had a spare brace and a spare bracket.

I was informed that the Akvastabil Move 360 had been manufactured and shipped with both 2 and 3 braces. I was also provided with an instructional video on how to easily install the brackets:


When I asked whether I was right or not in my above assumptions about the glass strength and safety factor, I was told the aquarium was very sturdy indeed, and that the reason for having a third brace in this model was purely for aesthetically reasons, so that the lid and the top rim of the aquarium would be perfectly aligned all the way.

I will therefore only use the 2 side braces because for me that is more practical :)

For more information on the Akvastabil Move, see:
