View Full Version : need help with my first ever newly hatched fry

04-24-2014, 03:30 AM
hi all
i'm new to breeding
about 5 days ago my Red Turquoise lay eggs and about two days ago the hatched and i have fry
the aquariums a cube 50cm
i have a heater set to 29c a sponge filter connected to an air pump the filter itself is cover with a white cloth
i lower the water at the tank to make it easy for them to find there parents
i'm looking at the now and they are swimming and clinging to there parents
1- how long can leave them with there parents ?
2- when should i start giving the fresh hatched artemia ( brine shrimp ) ?
3- when should i start feed them crashed tetra bits ?
4- if they are with there parents who many times must i feed them and if the are alone who many times ?
5- when should i move them to there own aquarium and what size should it be ?

04-24-2014, 05:30 AM
Congrats! Just wanted to recommend Forrestsaquabites, he raises his fry on them and I got quarter sized fry and they num it up so fast ! http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?112328-DiscusFORREST-AQUAbites-Premium-Grade-Granules

Other fry experts will answer the other questions:) but I think it's around two weeks to start feeding them but depends on how much if a beating the parents slime coat gets ive read.

04-24-2014, 06:27 AM
thank you i don't think we have this brand around where i am you need to ship it overseas and might cost time and more money

04-24-2014, 09:04 AM
Congrats and have fun. Check out stickies on top. They'll help you

Hatching timeline

««««««««««« please excuse smart phone poster error »»»»»»»»»»

04-24-2014, 09:18 AM
thank you i don't think we have this brand around where i am you need to ship it overseas and might cost time and more money

He ships them to the US and the shipping was actually very quick. That I remember I don't think he charged shipping when I ordered mine.


04-24-2014, 09:28 AM
First thing to do is to settle down. Believe it or not but discus have been breeding and raising babies a long time. The fate of the free world does not depend on the success of your spawn. Second this has already bee suggested you need to do some reading. Having said that why did you lower the water level? I know you did it because you read it somewhere. The facts are that with a RT pair you should not need to do this. This is a practice that was start for strains that did not have the ability to darken up and attract the fry. For the most part I treat my pairs exactly the same after they spawn as I did before. I still feed them, I still change their water. There is no need to do anything special unless the fish show that they need it. As far as feeding the fry I normally start baby brine shrimp about 5 days in. By day 10 they should be eating it well. I normally pull from fry somewhere between day 10 and 30 just depending on the behavior of the pair.


04-24-2014, 10:54 AM
Congrats , hope all goes well for you.

04-24-2014, 07:09 PM