View Full Version : Feeding Time!!!

04-29-2014, 04:09 PM
hey everyone just wanted to share a quick little video of my Discus during feeding time!!!!

the first group are the Stendker from Hans, Got them last month March 26 and all were at 2.5" here's a link (http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showthread.php?113265-Another-Happy-Customer!!!) on Hans section if you would like to see the other videos from date 1

the second group are from a LFS who orders from Segrest, and who knows where they bought them from?? and purchase date was Feb 22nd and this fish were also at 2.5"

So far everything has been going good, and lets hope stays that way!!! i take care of Discus the same way i do for all my other fish, but finding my self devoting a bit more with them, lol specially in the cleaning/ WC department.. any ways sorry id just went off writing... here's the video
