View Full Version : UV sterilizers....improve Redox Potential?

04-30-2014, 06:46 PM
First off, hi everyone. I am a new member to this forum, not the hobby. Been keeping saltwater and reefs for quite some time, but after taking a break from the hobby for the past decade I thought I would slowly jump back into it and go freshy. Lots to learn and get re-familiarized with. I plan to keep adult discus in a very lightly planted tank (I know, not a favorite among many discus people, but since this will be a show tank in our entertainment room, it needs to look nice for the Mrs.). Even with adults my schedule may limit me to only 1-2 water changes per week. Many might say this is plenty for adults, but I still want to investigate ways to make my water quality and tank conditions better. I have heard theories that UV sterilizers can improve the redox potential of the water, just as increased oxygen levels or the use of ozone can. Not sure how this would be accomplished, but I am anxious to learn more. It seems UV sterilizers are still somewhat controversial in the freshwater hobby and much more accepted in the saltwater, especially with reef keepers. Since I sold all my equipment when I jumped out in 2004, I am basically starting fresh and new. What I am finding is most people who have negative opinions on UV's have never used one, did not have it correctly sized and dialed in with flow rate and dwell time, or purchased low quality units that can only clear green water at best. I am looking at the 40W Emperor Aquatics Smart UV from Bulk Reef Supply for $389. This unit is rated for a 260 gallon. I am looking at a 110 gallon tank and would plan on 7 or 8 adult Asian discus from Kenny or Stendkers from Hans. The flow rate for level 2 sterilization (protazoa) is a max flow of 157/262 gph (depending on age of the bulb). I would target my flow rate of 2x turnover, or 220 gph. Not sure how effective 2x turnover would be. I am not looking to replace water changes and routine maintenance with a UV. As I stated above, I am looking for ways to provide the healthiest environment possible given my situation. If I had the time to do infinite water changes, personally I would not be considering using one.

I would like to know from those who have had higher end hobby UV sterilizers on their freshwater tanks, what did you notice in terms of water quality and fish health, if any? Did anyone monitor the redox with a ORP probe while using a UV? If so, what did it show/prove?

Thank you in advance to those who respond with their answers and experience.


04-30-2014, 07:02 PM
Noticed this link on a different UV post. Still want to hear first hand from others on this forum about their personal experience.


05-03-2014, 12:15 AM
New here too. Hope someone has experience with very subject and can answer.