View Full Version : Breeding tubes?

05-06-2014, 07:57 PM
I have 3 discus in my 55g tank, and have 2 more being shipped in a few days. The first 3 have been in my tank for over a month. I have posted here before, and got great help, so I'm hoping you will all assist me once more! I noticed today that 2 of my 3 discus have white coming out of the breeding tube area, and they look similar to my angelfish when they get ready to spawn. I've bred angelfish for over a year, but just started my discus adventure, so I have no clue if I'm even looking at tubes? The 2 discus in question are a 4" leopard, and a 3" red pigeon blood. They do have some of the male/female characteristics (leopard is very round, whereas the pigeon has more pointed ends to dorsal and bottom fins), and I've noticed the pigeon shaking his head fast at times, http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/05/07/hevy7yqe.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/05/07/e5e3yge9.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/05/07/amubu3er.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/05/07/my2e9yja.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/05/07/sydy5asu.jpgbut ARENT THEY TO SMALL? Could they just be displaying tubes for any other reason? I've noticed the leopard has been striped up a lot lately... And it's not water quality! I do daily WCS with spring water aged in peat. Ph is 7, kh-1, gh-5. Ammonia/nitrites-0, nitrates-0-5. TDS is 130. So, please tell me if these are indeed breeding tubes, and why they would display them so young. If they aren't breeding tubes, what in the world are they? The 3rd discus (I'm convinced is female) has nothing. I love these guys so much, so if something's wrong, I want to get to fixing it quickly! Thanks so much! You folks are a god-send!

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Larry Bugg
05-06-2014, 08:02 PM
You know the size of the discus but do you know their age? Hard to say if they are too young without knowing the age. Does the 3 and 4" include the tale? They look a little stunted and may be older than you think.