View Full Version : what to do with some injured discus

05-15-2014, 07:53 PM
I have around 12 3-4" discus that I grabbed from a local fish store that the discus had a eye cloud and they were never treated. The owner was gonna just throw them out but they werent dead or dying, still eating fine , just their eyes had a bad infection. I got them home and treated them and got the funk off their eyes but all of them have either lost an eye completely or the eye is definitly not working as the pupil is deformed now. I just dont know what to do with them now, do I grow them out and maybe use for breeders (my thinking is this is enviromentally induced and not a genetic thing) or do I just put them down. They are all domestics of variety of colors (which are all fine). Any thoughts on this would be helpful.

Dacula GA

05-16-2014, 04:45 AM
Jim, generally when I see threads like this my advice is always the same. Don't let sentiment get in the way of good decision!

Taking these fish home has risked compromising all of your existing stock, and why? To save them? If it is to get some cheap discus then fine, maybe there is a gem in amongst them, maybe they will turn out to be great breeders and throw terrific offspring. Maybe ...

These fish are clearly already compromised, and massively so. They will be prone to disease and they risk deflecting your time away from your existing, and presumably healthy, stock. Which in turn may cause those to fail.

I guess you can work out where I'm going with this. Cull them. Never take sick stock home with you.

05-16-2014, 10:16 AM
I think it is too late to say "don't bring them home" now...

I am still consider new to discus, and now I will only buy those that are good and healthy. I don't want to risk my existing tank with disease, and I don't want to waste my time and expensive fish food on sub-quality fish. However, I have some poor looking discus from my early days, and I just continue keeping them.