View Full Version : HELP New Discus Being Attacked

05-19-2014, 03:45 PM

New member here...

Some basic tank info:

I have a 150 Gallon Community tank
Filters: Fluval FX5 & Aquaclear 110 Hang on
Heaters: 2x 250W Aqueon Pros

2 Angels, 5 Discus, one female BGK (about 14"), Pleco, A few different loaches, & 2 three spot Gouraimis

I recently added another Discus to the tank (blue diamond) and have noticed what I consider an unusual amount of aggression taking place towards it from the other discus & an unusual tank member (BGK).

All the discus are aggressively going after the new guy (not the normal pecking order chasing - like severely biting at him).

And I even witnessed my black ghost knife fish (who has never bothered anyone in the 4 years ive owned it) attempt to bite at/fit the new Discus in its mouth!!!

Why would my BGK who doesn't care about any other fish in the tank, try to go after this new comer?

Help meh'!

arron schofield
05-20-2014, 06:05 AM
If your adding new discus should always add more than one

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Chicago Discus
05-20-2014, 10:00 AM
Its always a good idea to quarantine new fish before adding them directly to your tank......Josie

OC Discus
05-20-2014, 10:44 AM
Fitting in, going with the crowd, riding the bandwagon. Potential food source.

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