View Full Version : Breeding cone position

05-21-2014, 10:13 AM
Does the placement of the cone have any role on encouraging discus to spawn?

I am asking this because I have borrowed a pair (they laid eggs 3 times before never hatched) from a fellow hobbyist and they are in a BB 20 Gal tank with sponge filter, RO water adjusted to GH 1, temp is 84 and they are feed 3 times a day with daily 75% or 50% WC along with vacuuming the bottom.

I covered the sides and back with white paper. under the aquarium is a sheet of white Styrofoam.

So by your experience do you feel that your discus prefer a certain position for the cone? in the front ? in the back? the middle? sticking close to the glass or has a space from both sides?

05-21-2014, 10:16 AM
In my experience it normally does not make a difference.


05-21-2014, 10:20 AM
Thanks that was a fast reply :)

05-27-2014, 09:37 AM
Now I have another issue, they don't seem to exert pair behavior since they where moved in my tanks.

I have them since almost a month now, last Saturday I put in a male red turq with them, this moved the SS male and he started to be protective and aggresive towards the red turq. I left him for a day then removed him because both the BD and SS started to bite him.

Once he was removed the male SS started to bow and clean the cone and raise his head towards the cone over and over again but the female BD showed no interest.

next I tried a cold water change with a lower pH and didn't work.

now I will try not to change the water for a week and see if that would move them.

Any suggestion? should I move them back to the community tank? or move one of them and rejoin them after some time?

05-27-2014, 10:19 AM
Just patience.
